August 30, 2019

Impact of Black Super New Moon in Virgo

The Black Super New Moon in Virgo happened few hours ago.

Some Mass Meditations have been synchronised with the peak time of the moon in Virgo, that happened at 10:37 AM UTC, August 30, 2019.

We can already see the impact of the Mass Meditations and of the actions being taken by the Galactic Command through the graphics of the Schumann Resonance.

Many times we simply lose hope and find that nothing is happening around us.

Whatch for the signs around you.

Stop believing on the narrative being presented by the mass media or the controllers.

Start to focus your INTENTION in the CREATION of the FUTURE that YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE.

The Matrix is trying to make us forget about WHO WE ARE.

We are the CO-CREATORS of our OWN REALITY.

Is time to wake up to this fact and to start creating what we would like to experience.

The vibration of planet Earth is getting higher and higher.

Is our choice to follow this trend.

The Planet Earth already decided to experience a New Reality.


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August 29, 2019

Collective Meditation to End the Fires Worldwide - August 29th, 2019

Collective Meditation to End the Fires Worldwide - August 29, 2019 - 9 p.m. UTC

Los Angeles: Thursday, August 29, at 2 pm PDT
New York: Thursday, August 29, at 5pm EDT
London: Thursday, August 29, at 10pm BST
Paris/Berlin: Thursday, August 29, at 11pm CEST
Hong Kong: Friday, August 30, at 5 am HKT

See your time zone here.

Simon Parkes video calling for this meditation:

Website with guidance for this meditation:

We have to fight till the end!


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August 27, 2019

The Power of a Decree

  • Revealer of your autonomy as Consciousness;
  • Manifests your own free will;
  • It enables things to happen according to the plan you and yourself have outlined.

The Power of a Decree nullifies the presence and interference of parasitic influences and suggestions in our lives if we thus realize that we are free from them when we make our decrees. Because these concerns are coupled to us, whether we want to or not, and whether or not we are aware of them, by the entities that have controlled this system of vampirization and disconnection with the Primary Source.

It's time to kick the bucket and tell them 'NEVER MORE!', but to do that, you have to have the audacity to stand your ground and be the greatest defender of your Inner Truth. And so that there are no misrepresentations in these words - Inner Truth - that which is to you, that MAKES you to BE as you ARE, and simply that. It doesn't take big rodeos to justify it.

Primary Source wished to experience itself, created a state of submergence where it artificially 'forgot itself' (or pretended to forget itself) in order to experience itself. And there is nothing wrong with that. What is profoundly wrong is the unbridled decision and action that certain entities have taken to be able to feed their own program, unhindered in sacrificing the Sons of Primary Source.

Justice is HERE and NOW in order to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Decree your Inner Truth: BE. MAKE IT HAPPEN!


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August 24, 2019

Catastrophic Events, Mass Meditations and Protection Protocols

There are many concerns surrounding recent catastrophic events, particularly forest fires occurring in the Amazon rainforest region.

As mentioned earlier, Galactic Command Forces are doing their best to control the situation, but it has also been mentioned that possible catastrophic events could occur, and such events would occur so that the necessary energy cleansing occurs.

Planet earth is also a living being, it has its own consciousness, and all events that occur on the planet's surface are also reflections of energetic cleansing movements that occur with the planetary consciousness itself.

We are getting very close to the end of an era and the beginning of a new reality, the New Age of Aquarius. It is natural for movements to occur that are apparently dramatic. All accumulated and unreleased karma must come to the surface to be recognized and healed. This happens on a personal and Soul level, also on a Planetary level.

"Cataclysmic events around the Event will occur more quickly than previously planned, as Earth/Gaia as a conscious living being has decided to cast off all darkness as she has reached her limit of suffering … and she wants to rest."

The dark forces knew such catastrophic moments would occur, so because they planned escape routes, they would not like to be on the planet during the transition phase. Since the Galactic Command has decreed the energy block, no being can leave the surface of the planet. Everything that has been created so far needs to be cleaned. The negative ones are without their escape routes, so this is mainly why they are attacking everyone around, they can sense that their own defeat is already a matter of fact.

We would like to mention that many bases of negative Reptilian beings and negative Draco beings still persist in the South of the Latin American continent, as well as underground bases of remanescents of Nazi Negative forces. Those bases are being cleared or will be cleared at some point.

"The Dark Ones/Cabal also know about the forthcoming cataclysmic events and that they will therefore no longer be able to stay on this planet. The first thing they did was to create the narrative about man-made climate change, to blame their slaves once again for everything and everyone and to perform one last great theft of money by taxation before the curtain falls."

"As far as cataclysmic events are concerned, the Cosmic Central Race announced that in South America there will be massive eruptions of a lot of volcanoes about the same time, and along the American West Coast there will be a breaking of the tectonic plates, emerging from the Mojave Desert."

"The Grid has been temporary filled with huge amount of anomaly (removal in progress), which of course provides an ideal breeding ground for energetic attacks on Lightworkers as well as for various negative physical events that have occurred in recent days and weeks (be it on a global scale through mass shootings/stabbing rampages/sudden "suicides", or even just when people in one’s own environment seems to be going mad)."

We would like to stress the importance of the Mass Meditations. There are already a lot of calls for Mass Meditations being spread around the internet. You can look for one or promote your own. You can also use the guidelines of one of our mass meditations already published under our SURFACOM website.

We should focus our attention and use our CO-CREATIVE POWERS to manifest a reality where the karmic cleansing will happen in a better way for everyone, for all incarnated Souls and animals, as well for the Planetary Consciousness.

We would like to stress the fact that we also need to take care and use all necessary means for our own protection.

Please read carefully the instructions provided below:

"One of the main targets are also the mass meditations, which have taken place so numerously lately.

Some Starseeds complained that they feel extremely unwell after participating in these. The reason is that the meditations are currently bombarded severely (especially the ones during the Lions Gate Portal).

The Dark Ones, of course, also know when these meditations take place and will counter ritualize and irradiate them with neg. energies. They partially pump anomaly into the participants, especially into those who aren’t protected or can’t protect themselves that well.

The meditations are still extremely helpful and powerful and should be continued, of course! But it is not intended that Starseeds get harmed by participation.

So, it is extremely important to take appropriate energetic precautions before (and after) participation, which should also be pointed out and made more clear in the various instructions of these mediations.

It is advisable to energetically protect, camouflage and clean oneself and the location you are at, before and also after the meditations (cleaning is important in order not to serve as a portal for negative energies during meditation).

After the meditation one should also consciously separate oneself from it again, also from all other participants, as well as close and protect all energetic accesses to oneself.

It is also advisable to mindfully erase all energetic traces left behind on the non-physical levels so that one cannot be traced back by negative beings, as long as they still exist in the Grid.

If you are using one of the many video or audio instructions for the meditations, and you feel uncomfortable while listening to it, then switch to another one that is comfortable for you (or record one yourself).

It can sometimes happen that the speaker of the instruction is currently not in a sufficiently pure state (due to the Quarantine, every Soul on the surface is to some extent affected by anomaly, some more, some less) or got attacked and therefore could serve as a portal for negative energies at that moment (but fortunately there are already many good instructions on the internet to choose from, and this work is of course much appreciated by the Light Forces ... this serves only as a small hint that especially the speakers of such instructions should be in a good energetic state during the recording).

It is also a good idea to ask Archangel Michael, the Ashtar Command, the Felines, the CCR etc. for energetic protection during the meditations, and also afterwards."

You can use our Decree of Protection before and after your own meditations. You can make it mentally or verbally, you can print this Decree, add your name and keep it closer to you or closer to the place that you use to calm down and do your meditations.

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August 22, 2019

SURFACOM Operations are related to Planetary Grid

SURFACOM operations are mainly related to the battle for the control over the Planetary Grid.

It doesn't matter if you can't understand this, or if you think that our work is not necessary, or if you think that we are trying to take the audience of other groups in the community.

Our ground force agents just understood the call for action and made what was necessary. A lot of people were involved, all around the world. People disposing of their time and their own funds to invest in the cause.

We are not receiving any direct funds from the Light Forces, since the reset didn't happen yet, right?

We donated our time, our money and our energy.

And we made this without expecting anything in return. It was our duty and our investment in something that we believe and something that we would like to offer to our children and to Humanity in general: a better Planet to live in.

As clearly stated in one of the comments from FM 144 blog:

"As long as the grid persists, these attacks will continue. Protection and cleaning is important. Good tools for cleaning are the White Fire of AN and Light Columns. There are also court cases at the higher realms. Some entities are manipulated, some simply act like drones produced by the Dark Ones. They can attack others and/or come back later. No karma for neutralization."

As we already reported, the Planetary Grid missions in Berlim and Potsdam were mainly to claim back the control of the Planetary Grid over Germany.

We succeed and this operation triggered the cleaning up of The Vatican. This mission was already completed. The current operations of the Light Forces are now clearing the remanescents Vortices still controlled by the Dark Ones. No one can stop this process anymore, the LIGHT has WON.

Regarding the mass meditations being promoted, we would like to ask you to use your own discernment in order to know if the guidelines that you are following are fulfilling what is being expressed here:

"You can only send love to those who are able to receive love.

In the higher dimensions, things are going differently than some might think. In this respect, a lot of missinformation and brainwashing has been done too on this planet. The truth is that you can be in the Light while at the same time neutralizing negative entities, but that probably requires an own blog entry.

Of course, the Soul is actually immortal, but some have distanced themselves from it to such an extent that they can only be returned to the Primary Source for a complete restart."

If you don't resonate with a particular guideline, just skip that one and look for another one. Or write your own guidelines. Or just be quiet and focus your intention in what you would like to manifest.

We already mentioned that it doesn't matter too much to follow strict schedules. Take your time, meditate when you can or when you feel guided.

Is more productive to focus your intention on what you believe or on what you would like to manifest in this world.

You are responsible for your own growing up process.

Are you ready to accept all aspects of yourself and look honestly to your face in the mirror?

Are you able to work on yourself?


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August 21, 2019

Black Super New Moon Meditation in Virgo - August 30th, 2019

August brought us some astronomic conjunctions that have pulled us all to the extremes in our mental and emotional capabilities. The effects of the Thunder Moon and the Lion's Gate, are examples where the influx of energies represented a quantum shift in the collective consciousness. In order to continue our work, we would like to invite you to the next meditation that will take place at the end of this month. Let's move on and end this cycle with the Golden Key in our hands!

The next New Moon will have their highest peak at 10:37 AM UTC, exactly when this meditation will take place. Please, check below your local time or consult the website here:

Los Angeles: Friday, August 30 at 3:37 AM PDT
New York: Friday, August 30 at 6:37 AM EDT
London: Friday, August 30 at 11:37 AM BST
Paris/Berlin: Friday, August 30 at 12:37 PM CEST
Hong Kong: Friday, August 30 at 06:37 PM HKT

A Black Super New Moon is the phenomenon when both, a black moon and a super new moon, occurs at the same time. The term super moon is used to describe when the moon is at its closest approach to Earth. The super moons usually attract the skywatchers when the moon is full and the skies are clear, because of its size to the naked eye, however super new moons are less exciting because of their invisibility from Earth.

This year began with three super full moons, on January 21, February 19, and March 21. This cycle will end now with three new moons, August 1, August 30, and September 28. While North America’s Black Moon occurred slightly earlier on July 31, the next two Black New Moons will only take place in Europe, respectively the last two dates pointed above. The astrological outcome may give us some help to understand what is coming.

Astrologically, August 30 New Moon at 06°46′ Virgo is conjunct Mars by one degree as shown in the astral chart below. This alone makes for a very strong moon phase because Mars rules strength, conjunctions are the strongest of planetary aspects, and the aspect orb of one degree is very strong.

Mars is generally considered a malefic planet, because of its aggressive, combative and destructive attributes. But this is a friendly new moon because of the loving influence of Venus and the communicative influence of Mercury. Plus, the strongest aspect of this new moon is the harmonious trine aspect to Uranus, bringing welcome change and excitement. There are no major fixed stars close to this new moon.

The August 2019 New Moon is the best moon phase in a very long time for starting something new or reenergizing yourself. Mars, Mercury, and Venus together, presents a good combination that influence searches our most passionate desires and share them with the world. It is especially good for romance so you could find your true soul mate or reinvigorate a marriage. The new moon in good aspect to Uranus which adds excitement and positive change.

Because - WE ARE THE ONES WHO WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR - let's use this moment to uplift our lives, now IT IS our TIME and OPPORTUNITY to MAKE IT HAPPEN. And, for this particular meditation, we would invite you to follow these instructions that were given by the Light Forces to help us to connect and cooperate with the Cosmic Central Race.

Meditation Instructions:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool for the Planetary Liberation.

3. Visualize Beings from the Cosmic Central Race emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being dispersed through Central Suns of all Galaxies in this Universe. Then visualize these Beings entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Alcyone Pleiadian Stargate, then going through the Sirius Stargate, then entering our Solar System and being positioned inside our Solar System in a Flower of Life mandala, and then connecting with all Light Forces above the surface, below the surface, and on the surface of the Planet Earth.

4. Visualize Beings from the Cosmic Central Race transmuting all remaining darkness of this Universe until only Light remains. Visualize a New Grand Cosmic Cycle beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all Beings in the entire Universe, as we all reached the complete Victory of the Light in all Universe.

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Galactic Federation of Light

Clarification about our "Galactic Federation of Light" name:

Galactic Confederation is a loose confederate union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and others. Its leaders are ascended masters, beings that live in an enlightened state of consciousness.

On this planet, Galactic Confederation is known under many names: Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light, Galactic Confederation, Galactic Confederation of Light, Galactic Confederation of Planets, Galactic Federation of Planets, United Federation of Planets

All those names describe the same, positive group.

There has been an idea circling on the internet that Galactic Federation and Galactic Federation of Light are two groups, one being positive and the other negative.

This is not true.

There are no negative ET groups beyond this planet left. Both Galactic Federation and Galactic Federation of Light describe the same, positive group.


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August 18, 2019

Decree for Victory of the Light

Waterloo Column located in Hannover, Germany

The Light Forces are progressively taking action inside the Planetary Grid to liberate all Goddesses being kept as hostages by the dark ones. Through force, they conquered territories and erected "Victory Columns" around the World to celebrate their own victorious battles, wars, or revolutions. What is hidden in plain sight is the fact that those "Victory Columns" were erected on key energetic vortices, with the intention to control or suppress the Goddess Energy.

The dark forces wanted to destroy veneration of the Goddess since feminine energy is our direct connection to the Source. In doing so, the Goddess Energy is no longer used for the benefit of Humanity and the Planet as a whole. Keeping the vortices of feminine energy suppressed alters, as a consequence, masculine energy, which becomes belligerent, oppressive and dominant.

The only way out of this loop is to liberate and embrace all aspects of the Sacred Female energies. But also, embrace all aspects of the Sacred Male energies. Both aspects must be properly understood and embraced.

The male side is usually connected to our rationality, logic, linear thinking, and understanding. The female side is connected to feelings, nurturing, caring, compassion, love, and all the emotional qualities. Each of us has sides, the emotional and the mental capacity. Very few people develop both equally, therefore their cart often topples. Emotionalism is just as much a danger as thinking without being in touch with one's feelings. That too can go very much astray.

A person who goes too far on the side of rational thinking has to learn to balance with feelings, the female side. Anyone who thinks to the extent where the experience of feelings is hardly known has to practice much mindfulness of feelings. On the other hand, the female side is often emotionalism. This means we are carried away by our emotions and consequently our thinking is impaired. The quality of logical thinking, of delving into a thought process and being able to analyze, is not possible when the emotions are at the forefront.

The balancing of male and female energy needs to be seen as connecting heart with mind. Energy and concentration have to balance. In yoga, the practice is to begin to allow the energy to realign itself with the body. Meditation is one of the most effective tools that can be used to connect and balance the male/female energies. Yoga is used to prepare the body for meditation thus increasing the ability to have these energies find their space and begin to realign, to balance, to find harmony. Chakra balancing is an effective way in which to align those energies. Other very effective tools for connecting and balancing are Reiki, Watsu and pranayama work.

"If you want control a population, what you must do first of all is control the energetic patterns essence of that planet. So, you want control humanity here? Control the feminine. You control the feminine, you control the humanity. You suppress the feminine, you suppress the humanity."

~ George Kavassilas

Our Journey Home Movie

Fall of the Archons and Origins of The Matrix

Having become aware of the reasons and causes that led the Planet and Humanity to the control of the Archons, it is, therefore, necessary to deal with the solution that reverses the whole situation. The paragraphs cited below explain the causes in-depth and also offer a solution as to how we should exercise our proactivity to end the control system once and for all.

25,000 years ago, dark forces created quarantine Earth and took humanity hostage. They created a virtual reality control system so nobody could escape. They have trapped Light beings who have a connection with the Source, to fuel this virtual creation.

This virtual reality control system is still in place to an extent and is usually referred to as the Matrix. On the physical plane, the control is maintained through Orion-Babylonian type debt-based financial system slavery and through mass media mind programming. On the etheric, astral and mental planes, the control is maintained with electromagnetic spacetime distortion chambers similar to those used in Philadelphia experiment. Those chambers create an illusion of a closed loop system that appears to be eternal and this is the reason why so few beings have been able to be set free / liberated / enlightened.

The Matrix is run by beings, called Archons (Greek for rulers). They are beings that came from the Andromeda Galaxy and chose to experience darkness. They refused to reconnect with the source. Through millennia, they created Draconian and Reptilian race through genetic engineering to use them as slave warriors to expand their dark empire.

Planet Earth is the last planet of this dark empire to be liberated. There are very few Archons on planet Earth left.

On the etheric and astral planes, they are known as Lords of Karma. They are the ones that to a great extent decide the life path of anybody that incarnates. They choose our parents and to some extent determine our life conditions. This programming system is known as karma. With advance wave-form generating technology on the astral plane they manipulate astral currents of planetary energies and use them for malevolent astrological influences. They maintain the distorted spacetime structure with implants that have created spacetime black hole anomaly, thus confusing human mind and emotions. Implants are programmable crystals that were put into mental, astral and etheric bodies of every single human being on Earth with strong electronic devices.

On the etheric and lower astral planes, their Draconian administrators maintain the artificial intelligence technology that keeps the Matrix in place. It has an alert system so if an awakened being creates a hole in this Matrix with his Light, Draconians send a Reptilian slave warrior to exert pressure on the psychological weak spots of that awakened being to lower his vibration and thus close that hole. Also, those Reptilian slave warriors constantly exert pressure upon the mind and emotions of incarnated human beings on Earth in order to prevent their spiritual growth and to suppress their fight for freedom. If that is not enough, they also send amoeba-like elemental beings that put additional pressure. All those negative beings usually hide in folds of distorted spacetime structure on astral and etheric planes.

Their power is in fear and hidden agendas. They lose all power in the face of light, truth and courage. If we are aware of all this without fear, the light of our consciousness will straighten those folds in spacetime structure and all those negative beings will be removed from astral and etheric planes of planet Earth.

On the physical plane the Archons are incarnated within Jesuit organization and they spiritually control their administrators (Draconian Illuminati that run the financial system), their warriors (Reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati) and their slaves (humanity that works for them in their 9-5 jobs). Through Jesuit societies and 33rd degree Freemasons they hold the Illuminati structure together. This structure is now finally falling apart.

~ Fall of the Archons - May 8, 2012:

The Universal Laws

The current legal system created by the cabal was manipulated to a degree that the principles of Universal Law were removed. The Galactic Codex follows those principles, so a better understanding of the Universal Law concepts would allow us to comprehend why the Galactic Federation of Light adopted the Galactic Codex and why this codex is being implemented in our Planet.

Universal Law was implemented upon the surface of Gaia in the fall of 2012. As a result of Universal Law superseding any written law upon the surface, the Elite/Jesuit/Dark of these lower timelines MUST COMPLY WITH AND RESPECT UNIVERSAL LAW. For they, the Dark are cognitive of Universal Law and its Divine control upon them.

The basics of Universal Law energetically states that NO Being may interfere with another Souls experience unless energetically written in both parties Soul Contract. Whereas the basics of Universal Law were violated to such a degree and extended period by the Dark, we were able TO COME HERE IN HIGHER FORM to assist and liberate Souls from interference, cyclical reincarnation loops, and more.

You are NOW entering the period where you will bring into these lower dimensions, your written material Law of Divine Sovereignty which enables your impunity to any law less than Universal Law, and supersedes any judicial system upon the surface. The Dark Forces, with their judicial systems, have compromised THEIR laws to the degree that blatantly renders them void. Whereas law, to be legal, has to be unbiased without conflict of interest, in the simplest form has been compromised and used to unduly interfere with a Souls experience here on great levels, this suppression is being alleviated for ALL during this Ascension.

As Humanity, on the sub Soul level, take back their power and withdraw their support from the past controlling system, it has no choice but to implode, as is occurring at this time. In accordance with this Ascension and the Divine Plan, non-interference laws on the Highest Level are coming into wider fruition, to accommodate the NEW timelines, as the old fades out of view/existence.

To integrate a Natural Law aspect of Universal Law here upon the surface, it is required to be MORE WIDELY DISTRIBUTED, WRITTEN, AND RECOGNIZED BY ALL, including the remnants of Darkness still operating on your timelines. This is one of your transitions into Humanitary Liberation.

Equip yourselves temporarily with a WRITTEN DOCUMENT in your own words of Liberation to this effect. These documents have no effect for ill intent!

Another basic concept of Universal Law is, and which is also the basics of Spirituality, you are to NOT attack another but allowed to defend yourself. To attack is a FEAR response/reaction that disempowers you and decreases your level of enlightenment. As Co-Creators, there WILL BE times of PRESENTING YOUR "SUPREME ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY", but ONLY in accordance with the overall Divine Plan and Timing.

You ARE NOW being prepared to Divinely Task at a Higher Dimensional Level which ACTIVATES THAT DIVINE AUTHORITY WITHIN YOU AND OUTSIDE OF YOU. Your "INNER WORK" is essential to get you to the Higher Levels of activating and enacting this Divine Energetic Mechanism that you OWN.

Your power is in Love, not fear, nor any aspect thereof.

Love and Light

~ Rick Jewers:

Decree for Victory of the Light

Statue of Goddess Athena located in Paris, France

In the name of my I AM presence, in the name of the Forces of the Alpha 12 Space Fleet Command, in the name of the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces, in the name of the Jupiter Command and of the Ashtar Command, in the name of the SURFACOM Forces, in the name of the Galactic Federation of Light, in the name of the Golden Army of Light, in the name of the Red Army of Light and on behalf of the Primary Source.

I declare that all vortices located at all "Victory Columns" erected around the World to keep the "Goddess of Victory" or the "Goddess of Liberty" entrapped and suppressed, are being cleared by the Light Forces from NOW ON and FOREVER, in ALL PLANES, in ALL DIMENSIONS, and in ALL TIMELINES.

Everything that has been stolen and taken by force through warfare, deception and intrigue, and through the manipulation of the Sacred Knowledge, must be returned to their respective and rightful heirs. Everything that was taken illegally must be returned, and those who have found themselves above DIVINE LAW or UNIVERSAL LAW will finally face DIVINE JUSTICE.

I declare that all unjustly imprisoned SOULS are freed from all the bonds with the Dark Forces.

All unjustly made SOUL CONTRACTS, manipulated by the Lords of Karma that surrendered themselves to the dark aspects of the Archons and Fallen Angels, are NULLIFIED and VOID. All SOULS are declared FREE to follow their own plan of evolution according to their own FREE WILL.

All scalar directional energy weapons, as well all exotic technologies being used against Humanity and the Planet are being taken down.

All the negative vortexes in the World that are still controlled by the Dark Forces are being cleared.

I call all SOULS, WARRIORS and LIFE FORCES in this Universe and beyond, aligned with the directives of the Primary Source, and which already accepted the LAW OF ONE, and adopted the GALACTIC CODEX as their OATH, to actively work in the cleaning process, liberating all Goddesses, to finally manifest the balance between the Sacred Male and Sacred Female energies.

I invoke the Electric Blue Light from Archangel Michael, to be used as a mirror shield, which also protects all SOULS and WARRIORS participating in this mission.

I invoke the Violet Flame from Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, the White Fire of AN, the Golden Energy and the Pink Goddess Energy to be used in this cleaning up process. 

This decree is valid from NOW ON and FOREVER, in ALL PLANES, in ALL DIMENSIONS, and in ALL TIMELINES.

So BE IT and so IT IS.

Justice arrived and Peace will be made.

Victory of the Light!

I'm Commander Ukeron,
From the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces,
From the Jupiter Command and
From the Ashtar Command

It's hard to find the balance when you are in love.
You're lost in the middle cause you have to decide between Mind & Heart.
HEART is the engine of your body but BRAIN is the engine of your life. 
Between Mind & Heart
Between Mind & Heart
Between Mind & Heart

~ Enigma - Between Mind & Heart

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August 16, 2019

A Message of Hope from Commander Ukeron

Copyright © 2019 by Davian Art

Dear beloved ones,

I’m Commander Ukeron,

From the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces, part of the Ashtar Command.

Here I am exchanging with Davian to bring you a new message filled with “hope”.

I am accompanied by Ash’TarKa’Ree of Jupiter Command, as we have assembled a Council regarding the latest events.

Now you all know what’s happening on this planet, and you have to be part of it all. So your souls can fully integrate the union, as one and the same soul.

The latest ostrich forces present in your world are doing their utmost to maintain their supremacy in place.

The forces of light are constantly working within the Galactic Federation to restore the balance that has been broken for so long.

To this day, all the enlightenment workers present here are asked to come into action. This is essential for future events.

It will not be smooth. You will suffer psychic, spiritual, emotional attacks, etc. Above all, do not leave your center. Spread light from the central heart. Do not be soaked. Do not forget that you are protected.

For the moment, small groups are still resisting.

But light, peace and harmony slowly take up their “place”.

You are getting a lot of information right now, on how to “get ready” and participate in the changes.

So, do your part to bring and create a new way of being on this planet, and to access the new dimensions of love.

You are loved.


~ Channeled by David Rousseau from Davian Art:

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Quick Update about the Plan for Planetary Liberation - August 16, 2019

The success of the Berlin/Potsdam mission on August 11 triggered another huge cleaning up mission that started on the subsequent day.

This mission is clearing all the dark energies created by The Vatican and their Empire of Death during their Reign of Chaos. Their dark deeds can't pass unnoticed anymore, is time to finally LIBERATE all the souls that were forcibly kept entrapped under the Territory of The Vatican and all around the world.

Such operations already started and are being guided by this "Decree of Liberation":

In the name of my I AM presence, in the name of the Forces of the Alpha 12 Space Fleet Command, in the name of the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces, in the name of the Jupiter Command and of the Ashtar Command, in the name of the 144,000, in the name of the SURFACOM forces, in the name of the Golden Army of Light, in the name of the Red Army of Light and on behalf of the Primary Source, I declare that all the Dark Energy created by The Vatican, by the Dark Cabal, by the Worshipers of the Black Sun, by the P2 Freemasons, by the Teutonic Knights, by all the Black Nobility families and by the Chimera is being cleared NOW and FOREVER, on ALL PLANES, on ALL DIMENSIONS and on ALL TIMELINES.

I call all the Souls/Warriors in this Universe and beyond, aligned with the directives of the Primary Source and which already accepted the LAW OF ONE and adopted the GALACTIC CODEX as their OATH, to actively work in the cleaning process of the Black Hole of Death located under the Vatican and all around the world.

I invoke the Violet Flame from Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, the White Fire of AN, the Golden Energy and the Pink Goddess Energy to be used in this cleaning up process. I invoke the Electric Blue Light from Archangel Michael to be used as a mirror shield, which also protects all Souls and Warriors participating in this mission. I invoke the help of the Archurian Gridmaster and his team of Acturians Gridmasters in this special mission.

I visualize a column of White Golden Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun through all Portals already opened, arriving on planet Earth from the Central Sun of this Galaxy and reaching out our Sun in our Solar System an then reaching the Planet Earth in the territory of The Vatican and all other places related to them. I visualize a Column of White Golden Light coming from the center of the Planet and reaching the territory of the Vatican and all other places where there are still Dark Portals of Death being used to keep the Souls of all Starseeds and children entrapped.

According to the "Decree of Sovereignty of Mankind", Humanity is already a Sovereign Entity and is entitled to join the greater Galactic Confederation of the Light in this Universe. No one can stop this process anymore.

This decree is valid from NOW on and FOREVER, on ALL PLANES, on ALL DIMENSIONS and on ALL TIMELINES.

So BE IT and so IT IS.


Recent reports are mentioning that a countless number of Souls are being finally released, the Light Forces are coordinating this operation and all Souls would be cared accordingly to their own necessities.

We would like to ask you to focus your intentions on this cleaning up process, sending your HEALING ENERGIES and your UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to all Souls being released.

We invite you to actively participate in this process, sending your intentions to remove all darkness from this Planet, doing your meditations or visualizations and helping the Light Forces in this critical moment.

Justice arrived and Peace will be made.

Victory of the Light!

I'm Commander Ukeron,
From the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces,
From the Jupiter Command and
From the Ashtar Command

Better back down, you're in my domain
Got the whole crowd screaming out our name
It's a blowout, it's a hurricane
It's over before you know it
Why you shaking, we're a dynasty
In the mankind, we're the royalty
Now we're breaking down the enemy
Move over for the soldiers
Take a swing, I can take a hit
If we die it's fine, we live for this
It's all for this
We're gonna stand on top with our hands in the sky
Gonna raise our cup to the stadium lights
For the glory (For the glory)
For the glory (For the glory)
We celebrate with the city tonight
Hear the hometown cheer, it's the ultimate high
For the glory (For the glory)
We do it for the glory (For the glory)
Yeah, we've waited, for our time to come
Calculated everything we've done
We've upgraded, now you can't outrun a champion
Now you're facing one
Can you hear them, yeah, it's all for us
You believe them, yeah, it's serious
Hear the siren, we're victorious
I'm telling ya, can I get a hell yeah? (Hell yeah!)
Take a swing, I can take a hit
If we die it's fine, we live for this
It's all for this
We're gonna stand on top with our hands in the sky
Gonna raise our cup to the stadium lights
For the glory (For the glory)
For the glory (For the glory)
We celebrate with the city tonight
Hear the hometown cheer, it's the ultimate high
For the glory (For the glory)
We do it for the glory (For the glory)
You're the chaser, I'm the eraser, I'll ruin your record
I'm back here to break ya,
I cut like a razor so call the trophy engraver
I'm gonna get it, wait till I win it, God I'm so glad to be in it
Can't wait to say that we did it, this is my life and I live it
Ready to give it my all when you
fall back, taking advantage of all that
Game is on average, you're so bad,
playing shorthanded, your team scratched
Time to assess all the damages, I know that you couldn't handle this
It takes a man to stand up to the
king and unfortunately you're in bandages
We're gonna stand on top with our hands in the sky
Gonna raise our cup to the stadium lights
For the glory (For the glory)
For the glory (For the glory)
We celebrate with the city tonight
Hear the hometown cheer, it's the ultimate high
For the glory (For the glory)
We do it for the glory (For the glory)
(Whoa, whoa) This is why we do it
(Whoa) This is what we live for
We're on top (For the glory)
We never run (For the glory)
Heads to the sky
(Whoa, whoa) Never back down
(Whoa) Never back down
You just know my name (For the glory)
You're gonna know my name (For the glory)
~ All Good Things - For the Glory

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August 15, 2019

Guided Meditation Videos for August 15th, 2019

Dear reader, we would like to share the guided videos created by volunteers that support the meditation that will take place today. You can see in the link below the article redirecting to meditation that was already posted on this blog:

Meditation of the Twin Flames Meeting, Planetary Healing and Reconnection with The ONE Eternal Creator - August 15, 2019

Case you created one video for this meditation in your mother language, and if is not here, feel free to contact us by one of these email addresses or, and we will share your video here.

Thank you All!




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August 13, 2019

A Message from Arion, the Higher Self of Ukeron

Ukeron higher self chose to show himself like this and he holds very peaceful energy. He just emanates love and has such a strong connection to Source. Ukeron higher self showed him as Arion, he is one of the commanders of the ships under The Ashtar Command. He resides in the 7D reality.

"Greetings, dear one.

I stepped forward today to you to help you remember the power of the light that you hold within yourself. As you came on earth you have forgotten that the light you carry is within every cell of your being. Just as Earth is in process of transforming herself into a higher realm so are you working on remembering again where you truly came from.

Your physical vessel is going through a transformation to a vessel that can hold more light and information of the higher realms. You are each time reaching wider and coming closer to the higher frequencies that we send out to you. This is what will help you to start to remember, it is not with the mind but with your heart that you will start to feel the unity and oneness of the universe within your reality. You will not experience separation and loneliness in your beingness.

There are many others like yourself on your planet that are contributing a great deal to the mass awakening of your kind. I have been with you always and I have been giving you light codes to help you with the ascension of earth and with the expansion of your consciousness.

I am proud of you and pleased that you are reaching out to find out more of the reality of the higher realms. The reason why I showed myself to you like this is that you have the leadership within yourself that comes from the purity of the heart. The goal is to unite people into oneness and to help them step out of the illusion of separation. I want you to feel this truth in your heart as this is the frequency that the higher realms experience. You will receive more downloads of the higher frequencies as Earth is now able to hold more light and there are portals opening up to help you step into your power.

There is more to come for you, but at this time this is the transmission I want to share with you.

In gratitude, love, and unity I salute you."

~ Channeled by Dana Grozdanova - Wisdom from the Heart:

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Meditation of the Twin Flames Meeting, Planetary Healing and Reconnection with The ONE Eternal Creator - August 15, 2019

Within the powerful influence of the Lion's Gate, which goes from July 26th to August 12th, because of the alignment of the star Sirius with our Sun, we come to propose you the following meditation with the intention of enjoying this phase of great personal and collective transformation to align with our Twin Flame, and together work on Planetary healing and reconnection and reintegration with the One Eternal Creator.

On August 15 we will have the Full Moon, also known as the Sturgeon Moon, or the Harvest Moon, this in the northern hemisphere, and according Farmer’s Almanac, who states that “Some Native American tribes called the August Moon the Sturgeon Moon because they knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this Full Moon.”. In the southern hemisphere, the meaning will be different, as it is stills in winter, the natural resources available are scarcer, and this makes this same moon have symbolically an opposite connotation to the expressions used by the Native Americans, among some expressions used, it could be called the Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, or Wolf Moon.

The Full Moon of August 15 will have its higher peak at 12:29 UTC, and it would be at this time that we invite you for this meditation. Check out the correct time below in your local time, or check the website here:

Los Angeles: Thursday, August 15 at 5:29 AM PDT
New York: Thursday, August 15 at 8:12 AM EDT
London: Thursday, August 15 at 1:29 PM BST
Paris/Berlin: Thursday, August 15 at 14:29 PM CEST
Hong Kong: Thursday, August 15 at 8:28 PM HKT 

Astrologically, the full moon of August 15th appears at 22º24' in Aquarius, this one in opposition to Venus. Another aspect will be Mars and Pluto, which brings to the surface the potential for anger, jealousy, intimidation and impulsive actions.

If you are already experiencing stress, anxiety, and unexpected changes in your love life, the current quadrature highlights the need for patience, understanding, and unconditional love in the next two weeks - this is because the full moon always relates to the previous new moon - in this case, the new moon of 31 July. This cycle will be finished on the next new moon, August 30th.

Facing the challenges that the current situation presents, both personally and collectively, we reserve this meditation especially for working on the aspects that require our attention. We know that the Planet needs our help and we decided to take action, this time in line with the extent of our Divine expression - the Twin Flame - because together we are and represent the insoluble Oneness, and we have the infinite power to heal or reverse any situation, whatever it is. Let us then proceed further in the evolutionary steps until we reach the full liberation of this Planet.

Before following the instructions, we would like to suggest to anyone who is accompanied by partner, boyfriend, spouse, if possible, to organize your time so that you can perform this meditation presently together. For singles, you can do it alone, or you can invite someone who is meaningful in your life to join in. It doesn't have to be the opposite sex, it can be a friend, a family member, someone you feel good about and like to talk to. It may even be your pet. Open yourself to those who help you connect with the good within yourself and celebrate the moment together - look into each other's eyes and feel thankful that you are here and now sharing the frequency of Love with the whole universe.

Meditation instructions:


1. Make your own self-relaxation and anchoring in your I AM Presence. Feel, breathe and nourish yourself in your own Light.

2. Visualize a sphere Golden Light that comes to you. It is in this sphere of Golden Light that the encounter with your Twin Flame takes place. Regardless of where he or she is, it will manifest there with you now. Feel your energies fields expanding and merging in each other.

3. In full communion, tune to the Heart of Gaia - the center of this Planet. Feel the pulse of your Heart synchronized with Gaia, remain for a moment in this sacred and deep union that leads you to enjoy the smells of nature, the birdsong, the sweet breeze of the wind in your face… the sound of the waterfall, the course of the rivers, the waves of the sea and the raindrops. Realize and feel the movement of the trees, the witnesses of this holy communion, embracing and dropping their leaves and flowers upon you - offering to your Oneness.

4. Now in this moment - united as ONE - expands your energy field, and with Love, bring your awareness to the abandoned boy and girl, the helpless young mother, those who lie sick in bed, the dumb, the blind, the beggars, the misunderstood, the victims of persecution and war, the forest peoples, the native Indians, the animals, their journey brothers, family, whether they are... friends or acquaintances, and even strangers, Light Warriors and Light Workers. Focus also the Astral field of Gaia.

5. Pay attention at the number of Souls who still imprisoned in the lower astral realms, many of them children, victims of abuse and terrifying experiences that has perpetuated over them beyond the experience they had when incarnated. Observe and embrace them in your HEART / Sacred Consciousness, filled with Love and Compassion. Do this for a moment.

6. Ask mentally the forgiveness of those who once hurt and forgive those who once had hurt you: We both did it because we didn't know yet how to love and now we are learning together. Let this forgiveness be manifested in all Timelines and Dimensions from now on. Release this Energy to be transmuted in the Heart of Gaia, the High Spiritual Hierarchy that governs this Solar System, this Galaxy, and the One Eternal Creator.

7. Feel the flow of the ONE resonating with the Earth's Native Soul. Visualize a powerful Violet Flame penetrating and enveloping the Collective Consciousness, as awakening our sacred origins. See how the beings are quickly regenerated, smiling, feeling joy, respect and utter cordiality with their own Life, all Life in this Planet and beyond. Feel the Universal Harmony vibrating in unison in all Beings. Keep this visualization for a moment.

8. Feel how this powerful frequency of Love from God and Goddess harmonizes and allows the reconnection of all elements, whether they are, if the physical, etheric or any other planes, as well as in all kingdoms, mineral, vegetable, animal or devic.

9. Now visualize the powerful Rainbow Spiral enveloping our Planet. This beautiful frequency of Divine Love and Light spreading throughout the whole Universe.

10. At the end, decree:

In the name of my presence I AM what I AM.
I AM the healing and full connection with the Source.
I AM also You, and together We are the Great Universal Family and the Fullness of Creation. 

It is done and so it is!



~ 2019 Full Moon Calendar
~ August Full Moon: Sturgeon Moon
~ Full Moon August 15, 2019 – Star-Crossed Lovers

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