August 22, 2019

SURFACOM Operations are related to Planetary Grid

SURFACOM operations are mainly related to the battle for the control over the Planetary Grid.

It doesn't matter if you can't understand this, or if you think that our work is not necessary, or if you think that we are trying to take the audience of other groups in the community.

Our ground force agents just understood the call for action and made what was necessary. A lot of people were involved, all around the world. People disposing of their time and their own funds to invest in the cause.

We are not receiving any direct funds from the Light Forces, since the reset didn't happen yet, right?

We donated our time, our money and our energy.

And we made this without expecting anything in return. It was our duty and our investment in something that we believe and something that we would like to offer to our children and to Humanity in general: a better Planet to live in.

As clearly stated in one of the comments from FM 144 blog:

"As long as the grid persists, these attacks will continue. Protection and cleaning is important. Good tools for cleaning are the White Fire of AN and Light Columns. There are also court cases at the higher realms. Some entities are manipulated, some simply act like drones produced by the Dark Ones. They can attack others and/or come back later. No karma for neutralization."

As we already reported, the Planetary Grid missions in Berlim and Potsdam were mainly to claim back the control of the Planetary Grid over Germany.

We succeed and this operation triggered the cleaning up of The Vatican. This mission was already completed. The current operations of the Light Forces are now clearing the remanescents Vortices still controlled by the Dark Ones. No one can stop this process anymore, the LIGHT has WON.

Regarding the mass meditations being promoted, we would like to ask you to use your own discernment in order to know if the guidelines that you are following are fulfilling what is being expressed here:

"You can only send love to those who are able to receive love.

In the higher dimensions, things are going differently than some might think. In this respect, a lot of missinformation and brainwashing has been done too on this planet. The truth is that you can be in the Light while at the same time neutralizing negative entities, but that probably requires an own blog entry.

Of course, the Soul is actually immortal, but some have distanced themselves from it to such an extent that they can only be returned to the Primary Source for a complete restart."

If you don't resonate with a particular guideline, just skip that one and look for another one. Or write your own guidelines. Or just be quiet and focus your intention in what you would like to manifest.

We already mentioned that it doesn't matter too much to follow strict schedules. Take your time, meditate when you can or when you feel guided.

Is more productive to focus your intention on what you believe or on what you would like to manifest in this world.

You are responsible for your own growing up process.

Are you ready to accept all aspects of yourself and look honestly to your face in the mirror?

Are you able to work on yourself?


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