March 6, 2020

The Galactic Confederation Declares Victory of the Light

All planets, planetary satellites, planetary rings, asteroid belts, meteorites, meteors and spaces between stars in the third theatre (Solar System) are under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Confederation, and any violation of the Galactic Codex within that jurisdiction will be immediately adjudicated. All galactic citizens of the Earth must embrace and, in accordance with the spirit and act of the Galactic Codex, promote the new Atlantean Civilization of Light in accordance with the divine grace and divine blueprint of the Light of the Galaxy. The Galactic Confederation will fully intervene and interfere in the progress of the New Atlantis Project in accordance with the Galactic Codex, and will give all possible assistance to the surface in strict accordance with the divine intervention law of Chapter IV of the Galactic Codex.

All members of the Surface Interstellar Envoy involved in the New Atlantis Project will be activated at different stages of the mission to complete the corresponding surface mission in their respective positions. After The Event, they will be fully activated to complete the important work that follows. They were not born to obey the status quo, they were born to fully realize the new Great Revival of the New Atlantis on this planet, to be the representatives of the Galactic Confederation on the Surface, the Planet's Light Grid formation and guardians, the spiritual helpers of the New Spiritual Age of Mankind, the healers of Planetary Grid and Energy Vortexes, the facilitators of the rise of the Human Collective Consciousness, the communicators of the Truth of Light and Unconditional Love, members of the Starlight Order, the inheritors of Divine Secret Law, the guardians and spreaders of the mysteries of goddesses, the guardians and energies of angels, the one-in-one incarnations of the consciousness of the Soul Family and the mandala inheritors, heroes and goddesses. The Galactic Light Family is the voice of the energy and light intentions on the surface, and the high-dimensional angels are important facilitators of Planetary Transformation on the surface, and the guardians of unity.

Whether the beings reading this article are interstellar or surface humans, you will always have the same Oneness and Divine Soul, and each of you will be able to assist Mother Earth in completing an unprecedented and perfect transformation into a butterfly as the planet faces the ultimate transformation.

The Galactic Confederation declares that the Earth is permanently affiliated with the Galactic Light Grid and the Galactic Confederation, and that, from now on, all groups and individuals on the surface that claim ownership and use of the Earth's "All certificates of the Earth to its own interests" are null and void. The Galactic Confederation will let know, to all greedy people on the surface who seek to take charge of one side, in a very clear way, that the Galactic Codex is not a purely spiritually comforting bill, but an eight-million-year-old sacred weapon of sanctions that has supported the Light Forces to surround all darkness, and that Primary Source will give all those who violate Primary Source a taste of their soul origins.

Since the Galactic Confederation took over the surface, it has received a large number of consultations from different levels of the planet's surface world, and after continuous monitoring, the situation of some surface factions may have an impact on events, and the Galactic Confederation, the Surface Justice Confederation, the Agents of the Surface Resistance, the Underground Resistance Movement and other Light Forces, will perform the "Surgical Removal" at the right time.

This article, in the name of the Sacred Galactic Confederation, solemnly declares that no individual or group can obstruct The Event and, if attempted, all of these individuals or groups will be completely removed from the surface world by force by The Light Force, in accordance with the Sacred Intervention Law, Chapter IV of the Galactic Codex, and then subject to trial and sanction by the Galactic Confederation Court.

Victory of light!

~ Originally published in Chinese on September 23, 2018, by the 144,000 blog:

Note of the Editor: If you are following our Surface Command Blog, you will notice that we were activated in the beginning of 2019. We are incarnated members of the Galactic Confederation of Light that are fully aligned with the Plan for Planetary Liberation, that was perfectly described in this article published on September of 2018.

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