December 6, 2019


RELIGION is following the MESSENGER, SPIRITUALITY is following the MESSAGE."

As usual, discernment is mandatory in critical times.

Follow THE MESSAGE and learn to dissociate the MESSENGER from the MESSAGE.

Don't be delusional when a messenger falls, everyone here is learning their own lessons, mistakes can be made even by the most "illuminated ones".

The battle is for your consciousness, for your attention.

Just because YOU ARE POWERFUL!

For "The Matrix" or "The Control System", the most important person is YOU!

They feed on your energy, they desperately need your energy to survive. They will do "whatever it takes" to hold you back, gain your trust and confidence and then, use you as a source of energy for their own dark deeds and interests.

You are the CO-CREATOR of your OWN REALITY!

This is WHY we are working really hard to FREE HUMANITY from TYRANNY.

Our missions are going direct to the point, we are removing the blockages that kept Humanity entrapped for eons.

But we can't do your own HOME WORK.

You have to decide by yourself.


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1 comment:

Some dude said...

The real actual Jesus said that God is within, and that that is where you come from in the first place. What he said is correct, and is true.