August 11, 2019

Quick Update about the Plan for Planetary Liberation - August 11, 2019

Special Operations of SURFACOM are happening today - August 11, 2019.

According to the last update from FM 144 about the return of the Wing Makers, Berlin and Potsdam must be liberated from the dark influences to allow the Light Forces to take control of the Planetary Grid:

"If the German Ley Lines and Vortices were free, the Grid could no longer be maintained. That is why the Dark Ones have been causing so much chaos, manipulation and destruction in this part of Europe for thousands of years, with the climax of the two World Wars. But it is only a matter of time until Berlin is liberated from any dark influence and the Ley Lines in this area, like the one connected to the Sanssouci Palace, will be freed again."

~ FM 144 - End Game - June 7, 2019:

~ FM 144 - The WingMakers - July 30, 2019:

Such operations are happening today.

More details would be provided in our next updates.

Please focus your intention in the cleaning process of all Ley Lines and Vortices related to the Goddess Energy, located in Berlin and Potsdam in special, but also all around the world.

If you would like to contribute to SURFACOM operations, you can use the guidelines provided in our mass meditation for the Lions Gate Portal and do your own meditation during this period:

~ Mass Meditation during the Lion's Gate Portal on August 8, 2019:

Goddess wants Justice and Peace.

Justice arrived and peace will be made.

Victory of the Light!

~ U2 - Stay Faraway / To Close:

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