June 26, 2019

Co-Creating Solar Eclipse July 2, 2019

Join the 144k Mass Meditation of Total Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019, at 7:22 PM UTC:


London: Tuesday, July 2 at 8:22 PM BST
Paris/Berlin: Tuesday, July 2 at 9:22 PM CEST
New York: Tuesday, July 2 at 3:22 PM EDT
Chicago: Tuesday, July 2 at 2:22 PM CDT
Denver: Tuesday, July 2 at 13:22 PM MDT
Los Angeles: Tuesday, July 2 at 12:22 PM PDT
Hong Kong: Wednesday, July 3 at 3:22 AM HKT

You can check your timezone here.

This Total Solar Eclipse will be visible from the southern Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand to the Coquimbo Region in Chile and Argentina at sunset, with the maximum of 4 minutes 32 seconds visible from the Pacific Ocean:


Penumbral area for the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019.

As this Solar Eclipse sextile Uranus and Saturn sextile Neptune, the astrological aspects of this period are shown as an open window for refreshing and positive breakthroughs, which make our dreams come true through patience, open-mindedness, and hard work.


Astro-chart of Total Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019.

Taking into account the current Planetary Situation, we would like to invite you to join us in this meditation to decree, through our personal sovereignty, the beginning of a new timeline completely free from all remaining anomaly.

We will focus our intention on lighting up the remaining distorted plasma pockets that have kept hidden all the remaining beings that do not accept or respect the Galactic Codex.

The Galactic Federation of Light is ensuring that the MANIFESTED FREE WILL of all sentient beings and souls will be respected during the time of the Total Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation according to the Decree of Sovereignty of Mankind.

It is now through our CO-CREATIVE power that our collective reality will start to break FREE from all control!


The maximum moment of this eclipse will happen approximately during a 15 minute window (from 7:22 PM to 7:37 PM UTC) and the eclipse apex will be at 7:24 PM UTC. If you are working and you have less than 15 minutes, you can tune in right at this meditation time, when we will be doing the following shorter meditation:


    1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.
    2. Breathe in the brilliant White Fire of AN, and breathe out all that no longer serves you.
    3. Visualize your body filled with the brilliant White Fire of AN.
    4. Call upon the presence of your Higher Self. Call upon the presence of your Soul Family. Call upon the presence of your Twin Flame. Call upon the presence of all Beings of Light who wish to help with the liberation of our beloved Planet
    5. Proclaim that NOW is the time when we fully manifest our FREE WILL and, under the rules of the GALACTIC CODEX, we have full power to manifest collectively what best represents the version of our lives that we wish to experience. This also applies to all life present on this Planet, fulfilling the will of Prime Creator (or Source).
    6. Now visualize a pillar of Electric Blue Light, flowing through the Cosmic Central Sun and through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all points of Light within our Solar System and then through your body, and deep into the center of the Earth. 

    7. Visualize another pillar of Violet Light emanating from the center of the Earth, going up through your body, through all points of Light in our Solar System, through the Galactic Central Sun, and reaching the Cosmic Central Sun. 

    8. Visualize Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and the 144 thousand, protecting and activating all energetic vortexes and Leylines, opening human hearts, and connecting the Heart of Planet Earth to the Center of the Universe.
    9. Visualize all remaining anomaly in the hidden plasma fields being completely neutralized and disintegrated in all timelines and all dimensions, while the most pure form of Love fills and harmonizes every aspect of all beings still disconnected from the Source. 

    10. Manifest your compassion so that all lost souls through their FREE WILL, accept, in the shortest amount time possible, their complete recovery and complete healing from all the traumas that they have been through. 

    11. Visualize planetary liberation taking place with all Starseeds including the members of the 144 thousand, treating each other with compassion, profound respect, understanding, responsibility, love, admiration, and accountability… and all divisions between them being instantly overcome and healed. 

    12. Visualize the pieces of the chalice of the Holy Grail that exist within each member of the 144 thousand coming together and this chalice being restored to its original divine beauty.
    13. Visualize the Soul purpose of the 144 thousand acting as ONE, in unity, being finally fulfilled, and all humanity celebrating. 

    14. Visualize the flow of Source’s energy dancing within all of Gaia’s vortexes and Leylines and in every human heart, while this galaxy and universe celebrate, with joy in the heart of every benevolent Being participating in the liberation of this Planet.


      English Language 15 Minute – Guided Audio Meditation


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      June 23, 2019

      Update about the Plan for Planetary Liberation

      The recent mass meditation that happened during the Solstice of June 21, 2019, was part of the Plan for Planetary Liberation. Different and independent channels helped to spread the information about this critical mass meditation that allowed the Light Forces to make important movements in order to ensure that the Goddess Leyline is being cleared and now, controlled by the Light Forces.

      The call for this mass meditation appeared everywhere so we can point out only a few sources that we were able to collect:

      The June (Summer) Solstice is only 4 days away!

      Is The Matrix Being Altered? 144k Is Being Asked To ‘Maintain The Timeline Upgrades’ for Freedom. Can Financial Reset Occur Before Main Arrests, as Infamous ‘Trading Platforms’ Shut down + Much More:


      SHORT SITUATION REPORT (20.06.2019): 

      It doesn’t matter so much if you participated in the mass meditation following a specific guideline from a particular source. The nuances in each guideline were intentionally designed in order to connect with as many people and star seeds as possible. The collective consciousness expressed and manifested by everyone who was connected during the time of the mass meditation was the important factor in this battle for the control of the Goddess Leyline.

      The general guidelines of the Plan for Planetary Liberation were giving by the Resistance Movement through Cobra – Portal 2012. To get a better understanding of this plan, we would like to ask you to pay attention to the following paragraphs:

      Clearing of the Chimera group continues, as well as clearing of the plasma toplet bombs. Clearing of the toplet bombs is approaching the stage where “certain unprecedented action of the Light forces may be possible in the not too distant future”.

      The only comment permitted here is that the Plan for Planetary Liberation is deeply classified since January 27th, 2018, and NO intel about it is coming out (except from a brief leak about spy satellites in August 2018). Therefore you might take the story about sealed indictments with a grain of salt:


      The Plan will NOT be popularized on the internet. Everybody will be taken by surprise.

      One of the crucial situations that are ongoing is the battle for the energy grid around the planet, between SURFACOM and the Black Nobility families especially the battle for the Goddess Leyline, which holds the master key for control over the planet.

      ~ April 4, 2019 – Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update:


      The SURFACOM – SURFAce COMmand – was presented to the general population through the same website, as can be seen in this query to filter articles by the SURFACOM keyword:

      ~ Saturday, February 16, 2019:
      ROOTEXE isolated, SURFACOM modulation in progress to RRR10.

      ~ Tuesday, February 19, 2019:
      Our Solar System is now full of beings from the Cosmic Central race and they are cooperating with the Light Forces from the Jupiter Command, Ashtar Command, Atlantis Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet, Resistance Movement, positive Agartha factions and certain special forces called SURFACOM.

      ~ Thursday, February 21, 2019:
      RRR10 / SURFACOM sequence in progress, APR.exe clearance approved.

      ~ Thursday, April 4, 2019:
      One of the crucial situations that is ongoing is the battle for the energy grid around the planet, between SURFACOM and the Black Nobility families especially battle for the Goddess Leyline, which holds the master key for control over the planet.

      ~ Showing posts sorted by date for query SURFACOM:

      The SURFACOM was called by the Light Forces in order to make the necessary physical movements inside the Matrix, in order to fulfill the Plan for Planetary Liberation. Ukeron is only one of the aspects of everyone involved in this plan. Perhaps this situation is not yet clearly understood. The Light Forces guided Ukeron to present himself in order to offer a glimpse of the battle that is being fought in the surface of our beloved Planet Earth. Ukeron is aware that the Light Forces activated a myriad of souls around Planet Earth, souls that were incarnated in this planet but that could be “activated” only in this particular point in our “linear time”.

      As already described by FM 144 blog, the SURFACOM – SURFAce COMmand – is also referenced as SILVER COMMAND:

      The Light Forces, on the other hand, have assembled an Elite Force (of the best people from the different planets), which was created specifically for the purpose to liberate the Ground Crew. It can be seen as a kind of “Silver Command”, and the information provided on the following pages is partly correct:



      ~ SHORT SITUATION REPORT (20.06.2019):

      Ukeron was instructed by the Light Forces through inner guidance to release his own “Cosmo Biography” on May 27, 2019. His biography is only one, there are hundreds or even thousands of incarnated souls who are receiving information about who they are and why they are here in this Planet Earth, particularly at this point in time.

      Everyone that is awakening to their own soul purpose is collectively joining forces with SURFACOM or the SILVER COMMAND. There is no structure of control in the Ashtar Command since everyone is a COMMANDER of his own “Two Wolves Within”. The SURFACOM is really advanced since no one is following orders from a top-down hierarchy. The Plan for Liberation of Planet Earth is being revealed like “bread crumbs” for everyone, people are receiving inner guidance and performing their own activities. The nature of the majority of such activities can’t be reported at this point in time. And the dark ones can’t simply stop such operations just because there is no structure of control. Every single soul is already deeply connected with their own HIGHER SELF, is receiving guidance from their SPIRITUAL GUIDES, through THOUGHT-FORMS or through TELEPATHY. 

      The Ashtar Command, Jupiter Command and Air Born Divisions
      No More Do We Hide In The Shadows

      A glimpse of what was already being done by the SURFACOM is already publicly available here: https://surfacom.blogspot.com/2019/06/surfacom-and-galactic-federation-of.html

      Please understand that this report is intentionally not accurate nor precise since SURFACOM is still dealing with critical missions that are aiming for the Final Liberation of Planet Earth. There is a real war happening in our Solar System, but the “Wannabe” or “TPW – The Power that Was” are not releasing this information just because they are scared and they know that their own defeat is a matter of time.

      A better understanding of this Galactic War can be obtained through the articles mentioned bellow:

      SHORT SITUATION REPORT (20.06.2019):



      The Galactic Federation of Light already instructed Ukeron to create a Facebook Page and you can find it through this link: https://www.facebook.com/Galactic-Federation-of-Light-2009469582498153.

      Stay tuned since we expect to have more people from SURFACOM/SILVER COMMAND connected.

      Star seeds that are dealing with sensitive or critical missions can contact directly Ukeron through Tutanota. His email is ukeron@tuta.io

      The Light Forces would like to let clear that the guidelines shared in the “BE a Sovereign Being and Act Accordingly” article are the “real deal". In a universe where the FREE WILL of all souls must be respected, each one is being invited to join forces and manifest your own intentions and desires for the GOLDEN AGE that is just around the corner. The guardians of the Galactic Codex are already incarnated on Planet Earth, you have an unprecedented opportunity in your current reality, you are having all the necessary and possible means to manifest your own FREE WILL without being forcibly put in a state of control. What YOU are waiting for?

      As Gaia Portal already stated in the update from June 17, 2019:
      Howitzers of Light come to the fore.
      Premonitions fulfilled.
      The Light has “won”.
      Markers are in place for future generations of Energy workers.
      Articles of the Galaxy are written.

      ~ Howitzers of Light come to the fore

      When you are not understanding what is going on in our beloved Planet Earth, we would like to share with you the images of the Ash’Tar’Ka’ree spaceship taken on June 9, 2019. These images were taken by Ria Aurora Athena Ash and they were recently released in her Facebook profile.

      Ria Aurora Athena Ash is sharing images of the Venusian Spaceship of Ash’Tar’Ka’ree, taken on June 9th, 2019:


      The number of appearances of the spaceships that belongs to all forces of the Ashtar Command is reaching an unprecedented amount of reports that the controllers are being simply unable to block or suppress this information anymore. People are spreading around the internet hundreds of similar images shared by Ria Aurora Athena Ash.

      As a final note, the Light Forces would like to politely advise that the dark ones who are trying to attack the representatives of the Ashtar Command in this physicality would have to face Divine Justice, according to the already published “Decree of Sovereignty of Mankind“. The Ashtar Command is offering all possible means of restructuring and reconciliation, they are compassionated forces and they don’t want to suppress anyone. But on the other hand, the Ashtar Command is here to implement the expressed desire of the PRIMARY SOURCE and will take all necessary steps to ensure that the DIVINE PLAN is being implemented in our Solar System and Beyond.

      Our beloved Planet Earth is being liberated from the remaining darkness.

      Victory of the light!

      Commanders Ukeron and Ria Aurora Athena Ash,
      Guardians of the Galactic Codex,
      Representatives of the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces,
      From the Jupiter Command & From the Ashtar Command

      Interchanging mind control
      Come let the revolution take its toll if you could
      Flick a switch and open your third eye, you’d see that
      We should never be afraid to die

      (So come on)

      Rise up and take the power back, it’s time that
      The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that
      Their time is coming to an end
      We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
      (So come on)

      They will not force us
      They will stop degrading us
      They will not control us
      We will be victorious 
       (So come on)
      ~ Muse – Uprising

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      June 22, 2019

      SITUATION REPORT – June 21, 2019

      In the last three days, there has been a lot of movement in space around the earth and throughout the Solar System, when non-Confederation forces have attempted to “threaten” in some way, “shooting up/kamikazes” against the most physical Confederation Ships and causing disharmoniousness. This is useless, however, because forces of the Ashtar command, Central Race and one of the most recent armies of the light that has arrived in the Solar System called “The Spherical Guardians” are controlling and harmonizing the whole situation.

      This movement began when a large Draco Mother Ship began to approach the first barrier of magnetic protection, close to the Kuiper Belt and was attempting to enter the Solar System. It was blocked by the Ashtar Command and the Magnetic Belt itself. This ship of non-Confederation Draconians attempted to enter after a desperate call from Earth by those who serve them, as well as the Draconians who are within the barriers of protection. Non-Confederation Draconians, as well as Reptilians and other non-Confederation races that are “trapped” within the magnetic barrier raised by the High Command, are trying to escape in some way, and trying to cause some confusion.

      No one leaves the Solar System for a while. It is a barrier of protection set up by the High Command until all non-Confederation beings are taken to the Council. This barrier is divided into three layers: the first one, one can say that it is beyond the Kuiper Belt, involving all of it and it has a certain thickness. The second involves more the Solar System, in a thicker layer just outside Jupiter (which also involves Jupiter). And the third and strongest and thickest barrier involves the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun completely. In the drawing made below we can exemplify a little better:

      The location of this negative Draco Spaceship related to our Solar System.

      “Sol” means “Sun”, “Terra” means “Earth”, “Lua” means “Moon”, “Cinturão de Kuiper” means “Kuiper Belt”, “Espaço Exterior” means “Outer Space” and finally, “Nave Draco” means “Draco Spaceship”.

      All this agitation has caused movements within the Solar System and great energetic agitation, because the Confederates on Earth, YOU who are reading this note, are being called by the High Commands to raise your vibrations to higher heights and, at the same time, incorporate more of your Galactic Personalities on the Surface. Part of this aggressive movement of non-Confederation members is that many of you on Earth are beginning to perceive, receiving information directly or indirectly, about who YOU ARE at the Galactic Level, and receiving this information YOU ARE anchoring a massive amount of LIGHT and causing disorders in the Matrix. When an incarnated Confederation member does not know who he or she is, where he or,she came from or where it he or she is going, and suddenly begins to be instructed by intuition, dreams, and/or meditation or receives information from another already conscious Confederation member, this causes very powerful LIGHT discharges within the Matrix, causing severe breakups of the Matrix, and this has left the negative forces desperate, because the Matrix has rapidly ruptured, and the energy sources of the non-Confederation members are becoming depleted.

      In short, you incorporating your galactic identity into physicality is a major problem for the negative forces and they have sent signals beyond the first barrier, trying to get help in some way. Although these signals are not interrupted directly by the High Command, because everything has a reason, it is useless to try and believe that help will reach these negative forces and overcome the magnetic barriers. That’s simply not going to happen. The negative forces within the barriers need to deal with this situation themselves. No external reinforcements will come to rescue them or support them in any way. Thus, the Ashtar Command forces have also sent Confederation Draconian fleets and Confederation Reptilian fleets, who act within the command to try to “negotiate” with the non-Confederation forces. Although they belong to the same race, the negative Dracos and negative Reptiles have not received their brothers of the same race with open arms.

      Either way, it’s all under control.

      Meanwhile, galactic identities are recognized and reverberated on the surface and ensuring that the High Commands continue to harmonize in space, to the special moment of Central Flash. While all this movement occurs, many may have dreams in space and flashes even during the day of what is happening up there. With all our respect for the negative forces, NOTHING WILL STOP THE AWAKENING OF MANKIND from Earth to its origins and potentials.

      For now, that’s what the Ashtar Command asks me to transmit.

      For the TRUTH, nothing but the TRUTH,

      In love and blessings,
      Neva (Gabriel Raio Lunar) 

       ~ Translated from Portuguese:


      ~ FM 144 – SHORT SITUATION REPORT (20.06.2019):


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      June 17, 2019

      Meditation of Summer Solstice 2019

      Join the 144k Mass Meditation for a special DNA & Pineal Gland Activation at the Summer Solstice:

      Time in your Timezone:

      3:00 PM GMT – Moment of the Solstice is: 3:54 PM GMT
      4:00 PM – Moment of the Solstice is: 4:54 London
      5:00 PM – Moment of the Solstice is: 5:54 PM Paris/Berlin
      11:00 AM – Moment of the Solstice is: 11:54 AM New York
      10:00 AM – Moment of the Solstice is: 10: 54 AM Chicago
      9:00 AM – Moment of the Solstice is: 9:54 AM Denver
      8:00 AM – Moment of the Solstice is: 8:54 AM Los Angeles

      Or if you are working and you only have 15 minutes, you can tune in right at meditation time, when we will be doing the following shorter meditation:


      1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.

      2. Breathe in brilliant white light, and breathe all that no longer serves you. Visualize your body filled with brilliant white light.

      3. Call upon the presence of your higher self. Call upon the presence of your soul family. Call upon all beings of light who wish to help with the liberation of our planet.

      4. State your intent to anchor the Goddess energy into all vortexes, leylines, and human hearts, to assist in triggering the Event.

      5. Now visualize a pillar of electric blue light, flowing through the Cosmic Central Sun, the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all points of light within our Solar System and then through your body, and deep into the center of the Earth.

      6. Visualize another pillar of light emanating from the center of the Earth, up through your body, through all points of light in our Solar System, through the Galactic Central Sun, and through the Cosmic Central Sun.

      7. Visualize Archangel Michael and the 144k, protecting all Goddess vortexes, leylines, opening human hearts, and connecting them to the heart of Gaia.

      8. Visualize the 188 degrees Goddess Leyline lighting up….. and then opening like a beautiful rose to receive the love from the hearts of the 144k.

      9. Visualize all humans coming into contact with the Goddess Leyline waking up, with their hearts filled with the purest love.

      10. Visualize the pieces of the chalice of the Holy Grail that exists within each member of the 144k coming together and being restored to its original divine beauty.

      11. Visualize the soul purpose of the 144k acting as one, in unity, being finally fulfilled, and all humanity celebrating.

      12. Visualize the Goddess energy dancing within all of Gaia’s vortexes and leylines, and in every human heart.

      13. Visualize the celebration throughout this galaxy and universe and the joy in the heart of every benevolent being participating in the liberation of this planet.



      Or watch the Guided Meditation Video (15 min) on YouTube here: 

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      June 13, 2019

      BE a Sovereign Being and Act Accordingly

      Important operations of the SURFACOM Command were successfully executed during the time of our mass meditation to decree “The Sovereignty of Mankind” and “The End of Chimera”.

      Unfortunately, because of the nature of such operations, no further information can be released, but they are already reporting that their major targets were successfully reached. Important places related to the Chimera Group located inside of the Planetary Grid were successfully cleared and a massive amount of negative energy could be transmuted and finally removed.

      The sincere participation of everyone who understood the urgency of our call, the ones who quickly shared the information an effectively participated in our mass meditation created a huge breakthrough in higher dimensions. The reached momentum allowed coordinated advancements from the Light Forces towards the surface of the planet.

      The Violet Flame emanated from everyone participating in this meditation was used to transmute negative energies around the Planet, and the creation of a Blue Shield allowed the direct intervention of special Delta Security Forces, who acted under the strict guidance of the Galactic Codex in order to ensure that the manifested FREE WILL of everyone participating in the mass meditation was being fully respected.

      Because of these advancements, people who participated in the mass meditation could feel a strong improvement in their inner connection with their own HIGHER SELF and, in some cases, even with their inner connection with the SOURCE.

      Dozens of personal reports have begun to appear everywhere, especially on social media platforms. We would like to mention only a small percentage of them to give a clue to what really happened:

      The meditation was too good that it took me a while to realize that it was passed one hour already. I could feel pure love, pure light. Took me a while to come “back” to Earth. ~ Rozy Alves

      I loved to be part of this meditation. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ~ Alacia Hertz

      Thank you for having this opportunity. I’m waiting for more movements like this one, in favor of our beloved Planet Earth. ~ Juciara Bertoli

      Thank you for guiding us. It was awesome to feel the flow of love and the divine light being restored in our beloved Planet Earth. ~ Marcia Andrade

      Victory of the light! I’m free! ~ Dora Carvalho

      In order to help you to improve your inner connection, we would like to invite you to make the “Decree of Sovereignty” daily, at least one time per day. You can include your own name and make the necessary changes if your inner guidance says so. You can create your own and personalized decree and make it every day, turning this into a daily habit and, perhaps, you will start to see real improvements in your perceived reality. There is no need to follow a strict schedule, you can make your own invocations at random times. Print it or keep it in your smartphone, do it mentally or verbally, when you are waiting for something in a queue or simply when you can.

      To help you to understand better what does it means to claim your sovereignty back, to be a sovereign being and to act accordingly, we would like to share a book specially written for this occasion.

      The name of this book is “IT BE – Keys of Life: On the Search for the SELF, the WE and the WHERE.”

      This book was written by a mentor of Ukeron from the SURFACOM – SURFAce COMmand, in order to help him to understand his role and who he is. Now he is being guided to share it with everyone who decided to step in and claim back their own sovereignty.

      (If you would like to help to translate this book to other languages, please contact Ukeron through the emails ukeron@tuta.io or ukeron.white@gmail.com)

      When you feel guided to do so, we would also like to invite you to help with the daily invocations of our “Decree of Sovereignty of Mankind”. Following the guidance of “The Law of One”, we designed this decree to let clear that our intention is to embrace the Humanity in its entirety, meaning that all the aspects of the ONESELF who is experiencing HIMSELF in different and unique fragments, more knowingly described as a SOUL, are being recognized and have the same rights as everyone else.

      The daily manifestation of intention of this decree would also help to send a strong signal, letting clear that humanity already reached the point where the “care for the collective” wins over the “care for the self”.

      A society or a planet can join the “Galactic Federation of Light” only when it was already understood by the “Collective Consciousness” of the Planet that the “Service to Others” wins over the “Service to Self”. There is no other way around so is our responsibility and our duty to manifest that we also care for each other. In order to achieve the final Liberation of Planet Earth, this manifestation of intention must be made from within the Planetary Grid.

      Since we are entering into a “new reality”, there is a real necessity to learn how to deal with your own and personal “new powers.” Claiming back your sovereignty means that you are also letting clear that you can balance your own “Two Wolves Within” and that you are ready to act accordingly. A truly “Galactic Society” can be manifested only when each being is able to deeply accept and fully recognize all statements from the Galactic Codex.

      An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life:

      “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

      “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

      He continued:

      “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you–and inside every other person, too.”

      The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:

      “Which wolf will win?”

      The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

      The Fight of Two Wolves Within You

      As soon as you are learning to manifest your newly discovered powers, we would like to help you to use them wisely and properly.

      A series of articles related to important subjects will soon be shared openly through this blog and through other websites and projects that are already working for the same goal: “Liberation of Planet Earth”.

      We are also planning a new mass meditation for June 21st. Soon we will share more information related to this so please, stay tuned!

      Victory of the Light!

      Who are you oh Traveler?

      You have young atrocious placid countenance;
      Who are you that the wind carries by endless moonlit;
      Your longing prompts poems and songs like birds;
      How beautiful they make me feel alive also and not just an observer.

      A poor heart that does not contain itself in remembering the glimpses of the Beloved Origin;
      Yes… They are sweet and sweet souvenirs, which form in me rivers…Rivers of delicious feelings he had never known before;
      Your walk is austere and with eyes fixed on the lip that you show…

      Can you hear me?
      Can I touch you?

      I try to slip through the silence of your meditation, but I see myself amidst dry trees, walls shaken by the strong winds of twilight, curved, straight and in the background a ruined horizon of a world that wants to die…

      And where are you paradise I do not see it?
      Then, finally, the Traveler responds…

      “Allow me to give you some advice, my ancestral companion, to keep you on guard until this world dies, and then to be born again into the arms of Endless Love… Go back to Paradise.”

      It’s Done!

      ~ Bruno Illustrations

      I’ll take this soul that’s inside me now
      Like a brand new friend
      I’ll forever know
      I’ve got this light
      And the will to show
      I will always be better than before

      Eddie Vedder – Long Nights

      ~ This blog has been archived. You can use the following link to leave your comment:

      June 10, 2019

      I AM a Sovereign Being – The Train is Coming

      We would love to thank everyone who is spreading the word of our urgent call for our “Meditation to Decree the Sovereignty of Mankind and The End of Chimera”:


      Because of critical operations of SURFACOM forces that are planned to happen all around the world at the timing of this meditation, we didn’t have enough time to spread the word.

      Even so, our meditation has already been shared on several websites, groups, and social media.

      Especially trough Ria Aurora Athena Ash, Channeler and the Ambassador of Ash’Tar’Ka’ree:

      “Decree of Sovereignty of Mankind”:

      “Meditation to Decree the Sovereignty of Mankind and The End of Chimera”:

      Independent translators already published this mediation in other languages, including in:



      "Meditatie vanavond 11-6 om 22 uur: Verklaring Soevereiniteit voor de Mensheid en een eind aan de chimera":

      “Decreto de Soberania da Humanidade”:

      “Meditação para Decretar a Soberania da Humanidade e o Fim do Grupo Quimera”:

      “Meditação para Decretar a Soberania da Humanidade e o Fim do Grupo Chimera”:

      “Meditação para Decretar a Soberania da Humanidade e o Fim do Grupo Quimera”:

      "Meditação Urgente!!!Para Decretar a Soberania da Humanidade e o Fim do Grupo Quimera TORNAR VIRAL!!!":

      “DIVULGAÇÃO: Meditação para Decretar a Soberania da Humanidade e o Fim do Grupo Quimera”:

      Perhaps this call was already published in other languages, please add your comment to let us know so we can update this page to add more links.

      We thank you all for your support.

      Let’s claim our Sovereignty and declare that we don’t need any handler.

      Victory of the Light! 


      You’ve been kept down
      You’ve been pushed ’round
      You’ve been lied to
      You’ve been fed truths
      Who’s making your decisions?
      You or your religion
      Your government, your countries
      You patriotic junkies
      Where’s the revolution
      Come on, people
      You’re letting me down
      Where’s the revolution
      Come on, people
      You’re letting me down

      You’ve been pissed on
      For too long
      Your rights abused
      Your views refused
      They manipulate and threaten
      With terror as a weapon
      Scare you till you’re stupefied
      Wear you down until you’re on their side
      Where’s the revolution
      Come on, people
      You’re letting me down
      Where’s the revolution
      Come on, people
      You’re letting me down

      The train is coming
      The train is coming
      The train is coming
      The train is coming
      So get on board
      Get on board
      Get on board
      Get on board

      Depeche Mode – Where’s the Revolution

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      June 9, 2019

      Meditation to Decree the Sovereignty of Mankind and The End of Chimera

      Urgent call to all Light-Workers & Light-Warriors!

      In honor and custody of the Galactic Codex and in the name of the Forces of Light to which we are an operational part on the surface, we make a call to each AWAKENED SOUL in this Planet Earth and beyond, to participate in our Meditation to Decree the Sovereignty of Mankind, as to end the domains of Chimera and their minions in this Solar System and in our Beloved Planet GAIA.

      This Meditation will take place on June 11, at 9:00 PM BST (click here to see according to your timezone).

      If you feel guided to join forces with us in this mass meditation, which will be one of the most important meditations ever made, we ask you with all our LOVE, to help us spread the word with the group to which you belong.

      Everyone will be welcome to join forces in this unique mission that belongs to all of us, so please call all your contacts and groups and make this call cross borders.

      Receive our most sincere gratitude and know that you are loved and respected for all the work that you have done and still do.

      The end of quarantine on Earth is just around the corner.

      All together for GAIA!


      1) Find a relaxed state of consciousness;

      2) Breathe three times deeply, release and, at the same time, visualize a powerful violet glowing light connecting the entire planet. Do this for a few minutes;

      3) Now visualize the Light Forces positioning their fleets around the planet while you continue breathing and releasing slowly;

      4) Visualize a powerful blue shield created by Archangel Michael.

      5) Decree loudly three times (if possible, or do it mentally otherwise):

      I, [say your name], assert my right and sovereignty of my soul for who I AM.

      I decree my total freedom, the freedom of Humanity and the freedom of all sentient beings in all realms, all physical, etheric and plasma planes and in all timelines and dimensions.

      I manifest here and now, with the power of my free will, as ensured by the Galactic Codex, my intention to act in complete and definitive removal of Chimera and their minions from this orb and from this Solar System, forever!

      I decree that Planet Earth is Free!

      So BE IT and so IT IS.

      Victory of the Light!

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      Decree of Sovereignty of Mankind

      All sentient beings and souls from the entire universe who decided to be on Planet Earth incarnated or not, are under the immediate protection of the Alpha 12 Space Fleet Command.

      The Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Force is taking care of our physical integrity, safety and ensuring that all statements of the Galactic Codex are being fully respected.

      Our FREE WILL to BE here during the Planetary Transition or Ascension must be respected. Interferences from the dark ones are nullified and void.

      The negative intentions to take out key persons or groups is nullified and void, from NOW on and FOREVER, on ALL PLANES, on ALL DIMENSIONS, and on ALL TIMELINES. 

      Anyone who will try to attack humanity, who will try to stop ascension transition or who will try to send negative attacks is being threatened by extinction. The time to play games is over. The time for negotiations is over. Anyone who will try to go against the desire expressed and manifested by the CREATOR of this UNIVERSE, Archangel Michael/Micah, and by the PRIMARY SOURCE must be taken out of this Planet NOW.

      All the Felines from Sirius race and all Positive Groups have explicit guidance to remove any reminiscent of any dark entity in this realm.

      This decree is valid from NOW on and FOREVER, on ALL PLANES, on ALL DIMENSIONS, and on ALL TIMELINES.

      So BE IT and so IT IS.

      I’m Commander Ukeron,
      One of the guardians of the Galactic Codex in this reality,
      Stationed at the Space Fleet Alpha 12,
      From the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces
      From the Jupiter Command & From the Ashtar Command


      * The Galactic Codex:

      * SURFACOM and The Galactic Federation of Light:

      * FM 144 – Major Planetary Update – Part I:

      * FM 144 – End Game:

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      June 6, 2019

      SURFACOM and The Galactic Federation of Light

      Commander Ukeron is on Planet Earth since the beginning of Terraform Project:


      The Jupiter Command & Ashtar Command “activated” him in the middle of February 2019.

      He is from the SURFACOM – SURFAce COMmand – and he is already joining forces with:
      Jupiter Command
      Ashtar Command
      Cosmic Central Race
      Atlantis Command
      Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan Fleet
      Resistance Movement
      Positive Agartha

      Since he “woke up” (let’s say), he already decreed the continuity of Mjölnir Operation, since he is one of the guardians of the Galactic Codex:


      You can find more information about the Galactic Codex here:


      In April he personally activated some Pleiadian Portals related to the ancient Viking and Nordic Cultures:


      At the beginning of May, he felt the necessity to ask for reinforcements. The reinforcements arrived, according to this message from our beloved brother Michael Love:


      Ukeron is part of the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces and he is the Commander of the Alpha 12 Space Fleet:


      Ukeron is personally involved with the “Operation Freedom Earth".
      Recently he received guidance to personally activate key Portals related to the Cosmic Central Race:


      And his last personal mission was the deactivation of the “Black Sun” / “Black Cube” portal:


      Justice arrived and peace will be made.

      Operation “Freedom Earth” is a reality, a bright future is already waiting for us!

      Be in peace and know that the Galactic Pleiadian Delta Security Forces are here to ensure a smooth transition to 5D.

      ~ Surfacom

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