July 3, 2019

The Emotional Preparation for The Event

How to deal with your own reaction and the reaction of others to the emotional shock of the Event. The key is to become self-aware and develop an Emotional Consciousness.

This update will bring some theory and some practice that can help you to have faster results because in this way we unite the two parts of our mind to act as one and learn to access the knowledge that already exists within us. Awakening our Super SELF.

Dear ones, we are living in a time of change, and although the evidence may not yet be fully visible on a physical level, things are well advanced behind the scenes and the process is accelerating more and more. As more people connect to their true purposes in this reality, more people anchor more light in Gaia and more closer we are to live something extraordinary in the history of our planet and in our own existence as eternal consciences. For each one of you is a magnificent extension of the source. We are already beginning to experience fragments of the 5th dimension and must shape our lives to be resonant with this new age.

The reason I am writing this message to you at this key point of the planetary transition is to bring light to the knowledge that can accelerate, and make easier, the whole individual and collective process of preparation for the event and for ascension. Just as I received the help of the masters to perform my own healing and the healing of other people. I am guided by them to share with you some ways to prepare for what will come in a very brief future, as well as for what is already happening. Regardless of the external changes that we are waiting for, we must begin our internal change right away. And understanding who we are can help us to understand the others.

At this time there are many people that are not awake, others awakening, lightworkers, and star seeds, embodied in physical bodies. Everyone undergoing updates in the DNA, receiving light packets and activations. They are also going through the transmutation process of past energies, receiving the powerful light waves of the Great Galactic Central Sun, whether or not being are aware of it. And this whole process can be very challenging. Because we are confronted with our “dark” side which manifests as difficulties in all facets of our 3D reality experience and a certain temporary emotional imbalance can occur. For example, in close relationships, family or marital and also in the form of traumas of the past, which we thought were solved. Now they reappear like ghosts to haunt us. These are waste of old energies that we need to cleanse from our psyche so that we are in higher vibrations and can reach our maximum potential.

We also perceive that the more we seek the elevation of our consciousness, the more we feel the effects on our physical body, it is a kind of “catharsis” as a result of interconnection between our emotional-mental-physical fields. In fact when we speak at any level of our being we can not separate one of our “bodies” from another (we have several), because what affects us at any level, from the densest to the most subtle is all interconnected. Therefore, by working on healing at any level you will be working simultaneously on your other bodies.

You need to understand that above all on any level, any plane, any planet or star, in any time space or reality, we all have the same primary purpose regardless of who we are. The primary purpose is continuous evolution. That can be translated into a basic mission of all existing beings, which is to produce WELL-BEING. No matter what anyone may have made you believe, your basic mission is and always will be to feel good. This is your point of electromagnetic attraction, in this case, there is no excess, that is, the more the better. And when I talk about feeling good, I’m not speaking in superficial terms. It is the art of being able to raise your vibration through the emotion you are experiencing. This is truly bringing awareness of your existence. It is what differentiates the evolution of all of us, the ability to control your reaction to external situations that trigger certain “triggers” in our mind. Much publicized nowadays as “emotional intelligence,” but it is much deeper than that. If you begin to practice this certain control now and keep the conscious awareness that no matter what happens, no matter what others do or say you will only accept what is true for you and that will do well for you and for you. The world will see how much difference it will make in your own life.

The only control we have is really about ourselves, we can not control the others, but we can control how we react to what others do. My brothers and sisters note that most of the problems created by our society in all ages are linked to the need of many to control what others do, to make them feel better, to feel in control. Thus begins the wars, the separations of couples, disagreements between brothers, between parents and children, and so on. This discord is sown, and it is at this point that we lose the battle for the dark, which we are easily manipulated. We get into such a low vibration that we become susceptible to all kinds of energy harassment and negative influence in our lives. For it is this kind of energy that they feed and strengthen.

The truths that are beginning to be revealed and especially that will be revealed at the apex of the Event, can and should shock a great mass of people, who will be without “ground”. For your whole belief system will collapse. Reactions to emotional shock may be the most diverse, depending on the individual’s state of consciousness. The mind will need some time to process and understand what is happening. Strong emotional reactions usually release a lot of energy in the physical body and a biochemical cocktail. They may bring some symptoms like low immunity and flu in milder cases. The individual can become introspective, go through an existential crisis, depression or react aggressively for self-defense in the most extreme cases. It can develop some temporary psychological disorders like bipolarity or Obsessive Disorder. The individual can be speechless or lose another meaning for a while, or even get into “total shock.” Unfortunately, many will go through a deep “psychological” pain as if their soul were in pieces, they will need a lot of help. New traumas can develop when someone is under a strong emotional influence but is at this point that change can happen in the mental settings of any person. So then only positive affirmations should be spoken to that person, for his unconscious will be fully open. This is the principle of Clinical Hypnosis, a tool that works. You who have children are daily programming your children’s minds with what you say to them. 

We choose to work on the emotional level because the bonding of emotions is intimately projected into physicality almost instantaneously. We truly feel in the “skin” all the emotion we are experiencing. This occurs through a biochemical process that causes our emotion to trigger certain glands that emit neurotransmitter signals. Which in turn, make the production of specific hormones to be released into the bloodstream. So our emotions are the key to our self-mastery and healing. For all without exception, even the most evolved are here to heal some facet of their consciousness that still needs light. And the light in this case, as well as unconditional love, can be translated by the knowledge of the truth, which frees us totally as our teacher wisely taught us. We are here to help you learn consciously to modulate your energy through your emotions.

We need to understand that we have to heal ourselves, that we must overcome our fears, our traumas, our limiting beliefs. And prepare ourselves to fulfill the divine mission to which we have been summoned. And that’s where we really get into what matters. 

Modifying the Energy Field Quickly and Efficiently

Our vibration or our energy field is totally adjusted or misaligned proportionally to what we are feeling. What we are talking about here is described by countless books, innumerable scientific experiments, and was spoken by the great masters of all ages as the basis for any spiritual evolution. This knowledge, always distorted by the Cabal and their religions of mind control. Highly recognized theories such as the “emotional contagion” and the various quantum experiences of interaction between emotion and change of electric charges, changing the way the wave frequency is projected. They corroborate and bring something conclusive and that is available to all. So by joining now the best of science and true spirituality, we can arrive at a 5-dimensional consciousness (which is not a place, but a vibration) with the use of mental images.

There is a scale of consciousness that was developed by American professor and scientist David Hawkins, who helped us to better understand the emotions and how to navigate in our consciousness. He leaves the fantastic knowledge that only one person, who vibrates alone in the frequency of love (above 500 points) opens the door that has the power to influence and modulate the energy of almost one hundred thousand other people. This is a sample of the power we have.

So let’s go to the practical steps:

Step 1 – Identify on the scale above what emotion you are feeling. And basically describe yourself whether it is positive or negative. We can consider above 200 as positive.

Step 2 – Declare the intention to raise your vibration with an affirmative mental command.

Note that our thoughts or mental images are produced according to our vibration, if you are in a low vibration range, you will not have access to productive thoughts at that moment. You need to stop and climb the scale before you want to create something good, or just thinking positively will not be possible. It will have to rise gradually.

Step 3
– Choose a positive memory that makes you feel better right now, relive that memory. Activate in you this vibration, feel like it is now. Your body will produce substances corresponding to that sense of well-being of the past.

At certain times depending on the emotional state certain memories will not be accessible, so choose the memory easier at that moment that allows you to raise the vibration.

Step 4 – Create a safe place in the mind, it can be a nature, a house. It does not matter if it is real or not, a place where you feel peace and tranquility and that you can return whenever you need it.

Step 5 – Create a bridge to the future, make a mental projection of your future. How, where and with whom you want to be. Imagine you in 5 years with all your life transformed and all your dreams manifested. Access and feel this as real. Imagine the new land after THE EVENT.

Step 6
– Visualize yourself as a tree or an animal. Soak up on earth and experience this fantastic experience.

We have the ability to deprogram and reprogram our mind and all our paradigms in this way. Going to the past and the future as we please, recreating memories change them. Heal traumas and correct psychological problems. It’s all real, just believe and do it right. If you do not consider yourself being able to do so, you can look out for a therapist. But know that only you can create a new paradigm in your mind through your conscious choice.

These steps can change your point of attraction easily. With practice it will start to become very easy, you start to have more control over your own life and stop being influenced by the Matrix of Control. You are coming out of the Matrix and really awakening to the reality and to the truth that we are all connected. What you do to others returns to you, that is the law.

Victory of the Light!

~ Article written by Dante

Editor Note:
This article was written by a volunteer. If you would like to share your own ideas or articles, please contact Ukeron through ukeron.white@gmail.com or ukeron@tuta.io.

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