Commander Ukeron is an expression/dressing coming from a star system of the Pleiades. Direct member of the Ashtar Command. It is a very beautiful being, with a masculine expression. Medium-sized, dark-brown hair, wearing dark-blue overalls with the Command logo on the chest. Big eyes and light blue. His energy and aura radiate a light blue light with shades of white, beautiful! His boots have a beautiful shade of blue, similar to his attire. It also has a lovely dark blue belt at his waist with some devices. It measures about 2 (two) meters in height. His skin tone is white. It is a being of serious personality, gentle, considerate, diplomatic, just an extremely determined. It has the innate gifts of Diplomacy and Discipline. He is one of the Pleiadian spokesmen in the local Solar System. Representative also of the Upper High Council of the Pleiades. Ukeron was also one of those who incarnated with Ashtar when he was incarnated on Earth thousands of years ago. He has also been for thousands of years in the Forces of the Diplomacy Command, acting in the unification of the Star Nations as well as in the Ashtar Command.
Personal Symbol of Commander Ukeron
Copyright © 2019 by Ukeron. All rights reserved.
The Ashtar Command is a gigantic Starfleet under the Command of lovingly known as Ashtar Sheran (Osiris). Which is also an expression, a galactic outfit, of the Archangel Michael [1]. The Ashtar Command works by ensuring that planetary transitions occur in a peaceful and harmonic manner. It’s like stellar “policing,” overseeing every system with the Galactic Codex “under their arms,” ensuring that no one has violated your free will [2]. This is a group within the Galactic Confederation. One of their missions is to free the planet Earth. They gathered in many ships around the earth’s globe, literally millions of them. Their ships vary from 1.5 to 30 meters and can reach up to kilometers in diameter. The fleet squad meets in strategic positions. They are here ready to act when the time is right. Dark forces organized a strong negative campaign against the Ashtar Command in the 1990s doing their utmost to create fear among people who heard its name. (See more about this campaign against Ashtar [3]).
The last incarnation of Ashtar was 25,000 years ago. He left the Terran plane before the quarantine was lifted. Its main project is the Ascension of Humanity. Another of his projects is the “First Contact” and the third is the formation in telepathic communication. In “The Event” [4], Ashtar will take over the media. All TV channels will broadcast his message. He was also the inspiration for the development of the PC and the Internet. His work also includes stabilizing the Earth’s Net (a reference for the Tectonic Plates), preventing 90 to 95% of drastic changes on the planet (severe tectonic movements that harm life as a whole). The tectonic plates are very sensitive and the ships of this Command are impeding a polar change. Ashtar Command’s rescue crews are active in some catastrophes (earthquakes) preventing the total disaster. The prevention or annulment of nuclear war or use of any nuclear weapon is part of its action as well: most of the nuclear weapons were blocked by the Light in February 2012. In June 2012 the last weapons in the hands of the Jesuits were collected. There is now a 0% chance of a nuclear war. This has been a huge step forward.
The Ashtar Command is an immense Command of Light, and with its various departments, has acted and supported 100% the rise of Terran mankind. Members of the Ashtar Command, like Ukeron, possess intense Light Force and are always determined to maintain divine justice and order. There are several members of the Ashtar Command currently incarnated on the surface and in the Terran astral zones, preparing the population for the first contact. Even if an incarnate being in this Command is not fully awake, his/her HIGHER SELF is fully aware of the need to prepare the population for the first contact. Full disclosure of extraterrestrial life. Thus all members of the Ashtar Command incarnated in the Terran plane have an intense awakening, and become determined when they “download” the high information and become almost (if not entirely) inviolable with regard to yielding the pressures of darkness. They are very correct, fair, ethical, trustworthy and not afraid to “sneak up” for what they not only believe but know to be a DIVINE TRUTH.
The Ashtar Command is also specialized in “taking” areas invaded by the forces of darkness. They logistically organize a higher plan, position their fleets and commanders in such a way that the current “residents” of certain sectors have no action or simply cannot stand there, having to yield to the Ashtar Command Forces. Such a “battle” was seen in the Heavens when the Forces of Light took over non-Confederate dominated areas [5].
As mentioned earlier, these Ashtar Command Forces and their members like Ukeron act to prevent low-level civilizations from “playing” with this very powerful force: Nuclear Energy. Their grouping was one of the first to warn the Terrans when the first nuclear weapons were detonated decades ago. They come into action when some nuclear warhead is pointed at some point. They have been deactivating nuclear motions throughout the Solar System for decades. Some non-confederate groups have tried for some time to blow up the Earth’s Moon around Earth to cause a serious gravitational shift on the planet, a desperate move away from the Confederate Fleet. They threatened several times and as the Confederate Fleet did not leave, they tried to detonate the Moon. Obviously, they could not even install the warheads, they were completely melted, leaving only them getting angry and again threatening the Forces of Light.
For thousands of years, many nuclear explosions have occurred in numerous star systems. These explosions affect not only a physical realm, as happened to the Terran system in its world wars, but affect a whole system. Nuclear explosions are not only dangerous to destroy the physical, but also severely aggravate the Astral Realms. When there is a nuclear explosion and a physical being dies, it also has its soul damaged. In the explosion, besides the destroyed physical body, the soul ends up being fragmented in the explosion, as if they were thousands of pieces, a “rain of glitter”. Is very sad. Hence the high spheres are very rigid when certain non-spiritually advanced civilizations begin to develop this weapon. This is what happened to the Terrano System when they discovered the bomb. The humans were immediately warned not to use this weapon. Clearly, terrestrial humanity had no maturity at all [6].
In addition, Ukeron also operates in the Delta Command, a department within the Ashtar Command that specializes in transporting devices, protocols, and material items that can not fall into the hands of non-Confederated forces. It is a kind of “Armored Car” of the Ashtar Command, leading not only that but also non-Confederated beings to their destinies, passing before by the great Celestial Councils.
In many cases when worlds have been attacked by non-Confederated groups, Delta Command Forces, when authorized to intervene, enter and capture these beings that are causing confusion. And in many cases, they are already being surrounded, about to be “lynched” by the defenders of that system, which are also still at a not very harmonious frequency. Then, at this point, the Delta Command enters and teleports them, before they gravely suffer at the hands of the defenders. They are taken to special rooms and “trapped” until they harmonize their energies. This may even seem like Delta Command is “saving the skin” of the negative groups and being conniving with what they do, but in fact, they are just preventing even greater violence from happening. By no means whatsoever each being in creation is exempt from taking responsibility for their deeds, all these beings captured and saved from being lynched will have to assume for their actions equally. Deep Love and Justice are the maxims of the Delta Command.
There are other Delta commands within the Ashtar Command, such as Delta Command 1, Delta 2, Delta 3, Delta X4 … etc. Each of them acting on a specific front. For example, the Delta Command X4 already works also preparing the environment for the return of these non-Confederated beings to scenarios where they can review their attitudes. They are like the “Human Rights” sector, preparing the synchronicities that allow those beings to be rehabilitated in society, and where they can contribute, reviewing their “karma”. There is a myriad of departments within the Ashtar Command, each of them with specialists in numerous areas.
As already mentioned, Ukeron is also part of the group of diplomats specializing in the unification of stellar nations. This grouping has peacefully negotiated with all the beings resistant to leaving the Planet, giving them all the guarantees and security with respect to being taken to the Mother Ships of recovery of those tendentious consciences to the evil. These beings are treated, undergo adjustments in their DNAs, receive “crystalline baths” and can, if they wish, act with the Confederation. Of course, they will have to bear the consequences of some acts that have been detrimental to Life as a whole, or that have violated the Galactic Codex [2]. They can reverse any evil they have caused by working for the Ascension. Ukeron is a very loving being and next to its grouping leads with elegance, sweetness and Divine Law these movements.
In addition, this body of diplomats relies on great scientists who specialize in nuclear energy, who take action when some nuclear warhead is pointed at some point. They have been deactivating nuclear motions throughout the Solar System for decades. Some non-Confederated groups have tried for some time to blow up the Earth’s Moon around Earth to cause a serious gravitational shift on the planet, a desperate move away from the Confederate Fleet. They threatened several times and as the Confederate Fleet did not leave, they attempted to detonate the Moon. Obviously, they could not even install the warheads, they were completely melted, leaving only them getting angry and again threatening the Light Forces. Many of the agents of the non-Confederate Dark Forces are working within the major governments of the planet and Confederated diplomats have been in contact with them through agents of Light on the Terran surface. When Ukeron exits the body in his sleep, he immediately goes to the control and diplomacy ship to refresh himself of the newest information and somehow make them reverberate on the surface, since many of his groupings are incarnated in the Terran plane. Many of them within these secret agencies are acting as infiltrators of the Light and are always receptive to waves of telepathic thoughts with high instructions of what to do next.
These diplomats act not only on what has already been quoted but also preparing the arrival of various star beings who wish to incarnate on the planet and assist in the transition process. They coordinate the entrances and exits of these various beings, those who will no longer return to incarnation on Earth and those who will begin. Many of those who are going to incarnate with missionary roles go through “interviews” to see if they are actually able to act in density so that they do not become “contaminated” seriously [7]. Several exams are done, as well as simulations through thought-forms that cause stress, to see the mastery levels of being and if it has the potential to act on a particular front. Usually, beings who achieve liberation to act on difficult fronts of negotiations and/or works as inviolable beacons are those who are the bearers of FA-EN144 consecration [8].
Ukeron has passages / expressions in countless other stellar systems including Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Arcturus, Venus, Mars, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Virgo, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Aldebaran, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Saturn, Jupiter, Libra, Local Sun, Central Galaxy Sun, Canopus, Ant, Chapel, and many other star systems known and unknown to the Terrans. Acting in the powerful forces of the Ashtar Command, it has mainly guaranteed that a nuclear war will not happen, neither in the terrestrial plane nor in another system of this galaxy and of course, acting with the great forces of diplomacy.
The Ashtar Command is also specialized in “taking” areas invaded by the forces of darkness. They logistically organize a higher plan, position their fleets and commanders in such a way that the current “residents” of certain sectors have no action or simply cannot stand there, having to yield to the Ashtar Command Forces. Such a “battle” was seen in the Heavens when the Forces of Light took over non-Confederate dominated areas [5].
As mentioned earlier, these Ashtar Command Forces and their members like Ukeron act to prevent low-level civilizations from “playing” with this very powerful force: Nuclear Energy. Their grouping was one of the first to warn the Terrans when the first nuclear weapons were detonated decades ago. They come into action when some nuclear warhead is pointed at some point. They have been deactivating nuclear motions throughout the Solar System for decades. Some non-confederate groups have tried for some time to blow up the Earth’s Moon around Earth to cause a serious gravitational shift on the planet, a desperate move away from the Confederate Fleet. They threatened several times and as the Confederate Fleet did not leave, they tried to detonate the Moon. Obviously, they could not even install the warheads, they were completely melted, leaving only them getting angry and again threatening the Forces of Light.
For thousands of years, many nuclear explosions have occurred in numerous star systems. These explosions affect not only a physical realm, as happened to the Terran system in its world wars, but affect a whole system. Nuclear explosions are not only dangerous to destroy the physical, but also severely aggravate the Astral Realms. When there is a nuclear explosion and a physical being dies, it also has its soul damaged. In the explosion, besides the destroyed physical body, the soul ends up being fragmented in the explosion, as if they were thousands of pieces, a “rain of glitter”. Is very sad. Hence the high spheres are very rigid when certain non-spiritually advanced civilizations begin to develop this weapon. This is what happened to the Terrano System when they discovered the bomb. The humans were immediately warned not to use this weapon. Clearly, terrestrial humanity had no maturity at all [6].
In addition, Ukeron also operates in the Delta Command, a department within the Ashtar Command that specializes in transporting devices, protocols, and material items that can not fall into the hands of non-Confederated forces. It is a kind of “Armored Car” of the Ashtar Command, leading not only that but also non-Confederated beings to their destinies, passing before by the great Celestial Councils.
In many cases when worlds have been attacked by non-Confederated groups, Delta Command Forces, when authorized to intervene, enter and capture these beings that are causing confusion. And in many cases, they are already being surrounded, about to be “lynched” by the defenders of that system, which are also still at a not very harmonious frequency. Then, at this point, the Delta Command enters and teleports them, before they gravely suffer at the hands of the defenders. They are taken to special rooms and “trapped” until they harmonize their energies. This may even seem like Delta Command is “saving the skin” of the negative groups and being conniving with what they do, but in fact, they are just preventing even greater violence from happening. By no means whatsoever each being in creation is exempt from taking responsibility for their deeds, all these beings captured and saved from being lynched will have to assume for their actions equally. Deep Love and Justice are the maxims of the Delta Command.
There are other Delta commands within the Ashtar Command, such as Delta Command 1, Delta 2, Delta 3, Delta X4 … etc. Each of them acting on a specific front. For example, the Delta Command X4 already works also preparing the environment for the return of these non-Confederated beings to scenarios where they can review their attitudes. They are like the “Human Rights” sector, preparing the synchronicities that allow those beings to be rehabilitated in society, and where they can contribute, reviewing their “karma”. There is a myriad of departments within the Ashtar Command, each of them with specialists in numerous areas.
As already mentioned, Ukeron is also part of the group of diplomats specializing in the unification of stellar nations. This grouping has peacefully negotiated with all the beings resistant to leaving the Planet, giving them all the guarantees and security with respect to being taken to the Mother Ships of recovery of those tendentious consciences to the evil. These beings are treated, undergo adjustments in their DNAs, receive “crystalline baths” and can, if they wish, act with the Confederation. Of course, they will have to bear the consequences of some acts that have been detrimental to Life as a whole, or that have violated the Galactic Codex [2]. They can reverse any evil they have caused by working for the Ascension. Ukeron is a very loving being and next to its grouping leads with elegance, sweetness and Divine Law these movements.
In addition, this body of diplomats relies on great scientists who specialize in nuclear energy, who take action when some nuclear warhead is pointed at some point. They have been deactivating nuclear motions throughout the Solar System for decades. Some non-Confederated groups have tried for some time to blow up the Earth’s Moon around Earth to cause a serious gravitational shift on the planet, a desperate move away from the Confederate Fleet. They threatened several times and as the Confederate Fleet did not leave, they attempted to detonate the Moon. Obviously, they could not even install the warheads, they were completely melted, leaving only them getting angry and again threatening the Light Forces. Many of the agents of the non-Confederate Dark Forces are working within the major governments of the planet and Confederated diplomats have been in contact with them through agents of Light on the Terran surface. When Ukeron exits the body in his sleep, he immediately goes to the control and diplomacy ship to refresh himself of the newest information and somehow make them reverberate on the surface, since many of his groupings are incarnated in the Terran plane. Many of them within these secret agencies are acting as infiltrators of the Light and are always receptive to waves of telepathic thoughts with high instructions of what to do next.
These diplomats act not only on what has already been quoted but also preparing the arrival of various star beings who wish to incarnate on the planet and assist in the transition process. They coordinate the entrances and exits of these various beings, those who will no longer return to incarnation on Earth and those who will begin. Many of those who are going to incarnate with missionary roles go through “interviews” to see if they are actually able to act in density so that they do not become “contaminated” seriously [7]. Several exams are done, as well as simulations through thought-forms that cause stress, to see the mastery levels of being and if it has the potential to act on a particular front. Usually, beings who achieve liberation to act on difficult fronts of negotiations and/or works as inviolable beacons are those who are the bearers of FA-EN144 consecration [8].
Ukeron has passages / expressions in countless other stellar systems including Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Arcturus, Venus, Mars, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Virgo, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Aldebaran, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Saturn, Jupiter, Libra, Local Sun, Central Galaxy Sun, Canopus, Ant, Chapel, and many other star systems known and unknown to the Terrans. Acting in the powerful forces of the Ashtar Command, it has mainly guaranteed that a nuclear war will not happen, neither in the terrestrial plane nor in another system of this galaxy and of course, acting with the great forces of diplomacy.
He incarnated countless times on the Terran physical plane, more precisely 224 times [9]. He was in Atlantis, Lemuria, India, and ancient Egypt in the times of Amenophis III, Ramses III, and Imhotep. He was in many places of the Middle East like Israel in the times of Jesus, being one of the many soldiers of the Roman Empire; Also in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Syria; In many points in South, Central and North America such as USA, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Guianas and Brazil; Some countries of medieval and modern Europe like Germany, Russia, England, Spain, France, Portugal, Poland, Italy, Greece, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, Bosnia, Scotland and some other points. He was also in some parts of Africa, Oceania, and Asia, such as China, Australia, Congo, Japan, Korea, and South Africa. He also incarnated among the Incas, Aztecs, and Mayans in Yucatan.
“The Mayan Civilization was one of the richest and most significant civilizations on Earth in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, where material and scientific development was superior to that of today, with broad control of atomic energy. There was the “Birdman,” who flew in all directions in a special jumpsuit filled with energetic tubing. Among the Mayans, great sages received instructions directly from The Chapel [10], had the Direct Voice and performed great phenomena. On that occasion, there were large Amacés (Stellar Mother Ship) passing by in floating flight, projecting the energy of The Chapel to that people, these ships kept those areas free of certain animals that represented a danger to the Men, as they also gave instructions. However, always without crossing the Neutron [11].”
“At one point, a group that was enveloped by the energy of ambition and intent on having access to that technology in an unauthorized way planned to capture one of Amacés (Stellar Mother Ship). In the movement, this Mother Ship in its automatic defense system radiated very intense energy, which eventually caused the disintegration of that whole civilization. The Indians, after the event with the Mayan people, took over the cities.”
“In Teotihuacan, a pyramid was built, which was called The Temple of the Feathered Serpent, for having, in its construction, numerous serpent heads, symbolizing, as was already used by the ancient peoples, the representation of the Kundalini. By the nature of the building itself, in stones, but notably very different from the others – the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon – one can note the profound difference of the techniques used in the two different epochs. There are many documents of various origins that deal with the end of a cycle on our planet, which would be the beginning of a New Age. One of the most interesting, after the Apocalypse of John, is what left us Mayan Astronomy, in which it considers the present era begun at the birth of Venus in 3113 BC and ending in December 2012, closing a 5,125-year cycle that would be ended with many movements causing profound energetic changes on Earth. As well as touching Humanity and climatic conditions, bringing new ways of food production and cleaning of water, as well as changing the entire magnetic and nuclear system in a global way and a sensitive alteration of the Earth’s axis.”
“With the knowledge of the changes generated by the increase and decrease of the sunspots, which were linked to the various movements in Terran civilizations, the Mayas had a sacred year of 260 days composed and based perfectly on the Sun. They knew that the cycle of The magnetic field of the solar blade tilts and the Earth follows that movement, seeking to align its magnetic axis with that of the Sun, which causes earthquakes, eruptions volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and other natural phenomena that ultimately move the planning of Man and his cities, fields, and food production areas. Current Science, with its modern equipment, showed that the calculations of the Mayas were very close to the 1,366,040 days that they found in their researches. “Adapted excerpt from Tia Neiva’s Report – Vale do Amanhecer [12].”
He was also among those known as Equitumans [13] and then with the Tumuchys [14].
In many of his lives he has been a clerical, nun, bishop, musician, Indian, shepherd (or priest), inquisitor, gypsy, healer, builder, atomic scientist, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, inventor, white sorcerer, counselor, politician, doctor/physician, druid, hermit, Celtic, nomad, nurse, painter, priest, priestess, architect, medieval warrior, gladiator, speaker, archer, strategist, chemical scientist, senator, monk, abolitionist, lord of slaves, slave mistress, slave, spy, templar, diplomat, atomic engineer, Roman soldier, Roman senator, Persian warrior, monk, among many other personalities on this planet,always experiencing the experiences necessary for its expansion of consciousness. (Remembering that some of these lives/experiences may have occurred in other stellar systems, not necessarily on Earth. I see the professions that appear on my mental screen and/or the mentor blows directly into my ear and places them here.)
In a special life in Rome, he was a Roman soldier. Another time he was a politician, and in another, he was a direct assistant to a governor. He participated in many Roman Governments, as for example also of the government of Tiberius Cesar and some others. Not by chance is being called to join this movement already quoted by P1 and help in the illumination of this line:
“After centuries of incarnations and reincarnations engaging energetically with the domains of emperors and politicians like Constantine, Tiberius Caesar, Nero, Marcus Aurelius, Augustus, Marco Antonio, Julius Caesar, and a few others, souls participating in these movements began their work of return to their states of fullness and love. Many of these souls of these past ages began their incarnations in various parts of the world, even in Rome, after the Empire, in the energy of rescuing their particular processes and illuminations. Especially now, in Brazil, is most of the souls of those old times of Rome and a great ransom happens at that moment. Among many of these souls of these times, three, in particular, are incarnated, and Jesus gives me the opportunity to write by quoting them in some way in this channeling/guidance of enlightenment: Tiberius Caesar [15], Philip Cesar, an old Roman Senator, and Claudius, a direct assistant to the of Emperor Constantine [16]."
(See more information about “The Roman Line” [17])
He is being called by the Forces of Light to receive this information with much love and simplicity, so as not to allow himself to fall into vanity, as this would hamper the process of anchoring this expression in the Terran physical plane. Called to connect in great love with the Higher Spheres, asking that all this information reverberate positively in your heart, that they may be sources of divine inspiration and radiate in your being, opening channels for greater connections, unlocking fields and leading you to a high state of being on the Terran surface. Called every day to tune in with your SONG* and send it at a certain time whenever possible, and if you are in some environment that cannot be a way to a quieter place, do it mentally. This will create a very powerful Momentum of discipline and will help in uncovering the veils for you.
Called to acknowledge his mastery, and anchor the energies that will aid in the process of awakening and preparing the Terran population for disclosure. Only by anchoring these Forces and intending to make them reverberate on the Terran surface will it greatly aid humanity, and those not yet awake and resistant to the much-needed changes. As a member of the Ashtar Command, he is one of the representatives of this Force on the Terran surface, so it is called upon to maintain the energetic bases of this sustained Command: Justice, Ethics, Truth and Inviolability with regard to yielding to anything other than Law of the ONE [18], connected to the Galactic Codex [2]. Called to take his gaze to the war zones where there are nuclear weapons and threats of the type and neutralize any nuclear action or even intention. Your “hand” is very powerful and can nullify any nuclear act by just projecting itself into consciousness and visualizing the warheads being melted into huge golden energy.
Called to stay also connected to your ship in Delta Command and anchor the energies to reverberate on the Terran surface. These energies guarantee the rehabilitation of beings who have fallen into the depths (darkness), leading them always to deep reflections and encouragement, so that they can rise up and enter into a feeling of Oneness, making them aware that only Love elevates and transforms them in the TRUTH. Dear Ukeron, you are one of the representatives of this power in the Terran plane: POWER OF REHABILITATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF THOSE THAT HAVE LOST OF THEMSELVES.
Called to acknowledge all his Magic and responsibility in these times. To connect with his great command Mothership called Spaceship Alpha 12. Being also called to connect with the energy of Jesus (Sananda), and anchor all the Christ Love to envelop all those around him. And to take his gaze to the great courts of justice, to the conflicts in the Middle East and to radiate the Light of Diplomacy and Love, thus connecting all nations as one.
A message from your mentors:
“Your mentors are very happy with your Consecration (or Praise). It will open up your energy field even more and put you even more in touch with your Pleiadian Family. They, your mentors, say that you are also a Gate Activator and that you will start receiving telepathic locations where certain Pleiadian Portals need to be reactivated. They ask you to be aware of the signals and synchronicities that will be presented, in order to give continuity to the activation processes. They say that you can always count on them and also say that they have sent many signs long ago, but that now with this Consecration there will be greater openness and ease of assimilation. The forces of the Ashtar Command are also at your side since you are a member of this command and very respected there. They all applaud and thank you for the opportunity of this contact. They end up blessed.”
Dear Ukeron, your motto is:
It is as far as Jesus/Sananda allows me to see and transmit, dear Ukeron!
Channeled By Gabriel Raio Lunar
* Identify your Celestial Song (PT):
Sementes das Estrelas ®
Cosmobiografias Canalizadas
“At one point, a group that was enveloped by the energy of ambition and intent on having access to that technology in an unauthorized way planned to capture one of Amacés (Stellar Mother Ship). In the movement, this Mother Ship in its automatic defense system radiated very intense energy, which eventually caused the disintegration of that whole civilization. The Indians, after the event with the Mayan people, took over the cities.”
“In Teotihuacan, a pyramid was built, which was called The Temple of the Feathered Serpent, for having, in its construction, numerous serpent heads, symbolizing, as was already used by the ancient peoples, the representation of the Kundalini. By the nature of the building itself, in stones, but notably very different from the others – the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon – one can note the profound difference of the techniques used in the two different epochs. There are many documents of various origins that deal with the end of a cycle on our planet, which would be the beginning of a New Age. One of the most interesting, after the Apocalypse of John, is what left us Mayan Astronomy, in which it considers the present era begun at the birth of Venus in 3113 BC and ending in December 2012, closing a 5,125-year cycle that would be ended with many movements causing profound energetic changes on Earth. As well as touching Humanity and climatic conditions, bringing new ways of food production and cleaning of water, as well as changing the entire magnetic and nuclear system in a global way and a sensitive alteration of the Earth’s axis.”
“With the knowledge of the changes generated by the increase and decrease of the sunspots, which were linked to the various movements in Terran civilizations, the Mayas had a sacred year of 260 days composed and based perfectly on the Sun. They knew that the cycle of The magnetic field of the solar blade tilts and the Earth follows that movement, seeking to align its magnetic axis with that of the Sun, which causes earthquakes, eruptions volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and other natural phenomena that ultimately move the planning of Man and his cities, fields, and food production areas. Current Science, with its modern equipment, showed that the calculations of the Mayas were very close to the 1,366,040 days that they found in their researches. “Adapted excerpt from Tia Neiva’s Report – Vale do Amanhecer [12].”
He was also among those known as Equitumans [13] and then with the Tumuchys [14].
In many of his lives he has been a clerical, nun, bishop, musician, Indian, shepherd (or priest), inquisitor, gypsy, healer, builder, atomic scientist, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, inventor, white sorcerer, counselor, politician, doctor/physician, druid, hermit, Celtic, nomad, nurse, painter, priest, priestess, architect, medieval warrior, gladiator, speaker, archer, strategist, chemical scientist, senator, monk, abolitionist, lord of slaves, slave mistress, slave, spy, templar, diplomat, atomic engineer, Roman soldier, Roman senator, Persian warrior, monk, among many other personalities on this planet,always experiencing the experiences necessary for its expansion of consciousness. (Remembering that some of these lives/experiences may have occurred in other stellar systems, not necessarily on Earth. I see the professions that appear on my mental screen and/or the mentor blows directly into my ear and places them here.)
In a special life in Rome, he was a Roman soldier. Another time he was a politician, and in another, he was a direct assistant to a governor. He participated in many Roman Governments, as for example also of the government of Tiberius Cesar and some others. Not by chance is being called to join this movement already quoted by P1 and help in the illumination of this line:
“After centuries of incarnations and reincarnations engaging energetically with the domains of emperors and politicians like Constantine, Tiberius Caesar, Nero, Marcus Aurelius, Augustus, Marco Antonio, Julius Caesar, and a few others, souls participating in these movements began their work of return to their states of fullness and love. Many of these souls of these past ages began their incarnations in various parts of the world, even in Rome, after the Empire, in the energy of rescuing their particular processes and illuminations. Especially now, in Brazil, is most of the souls of those old times of Rome and a great ransom happens at that moment. Among many of these souls of these times, three, in particular, are incarnated, and Jesus gives me the opportunity to write by quoting them in some way in this channeling/guidance of enlightenment: Tiberius Caesar [15], Philip Cesar, an old Roman Senator, and Claudius, a direct assistant to the of Emperor Constantine [16]."
(See more information about “The Roman Line” [17])
He is being called by the Forces of Light to receive this information with much love and simplicity, so as not to allow himself to fall into vanity, as this would hamper the process of anchoring this expression in the Terran physical plane. Called to connect in great love with the Higher Spheres, asking that all this information reverberate positively in your heart, that they may be sources of divine inspiration and radiate in your being, opening channels for greater connections, unlocking fields and leading you to a high state of being on the Terran surface. Called every day to tune in with your SONG* and send it at a certain time whenever possible, and if you are in some environment that cannot be a way to a quieter place, do it mentally. This will create a very powerful Momentum of discipline and will help in uncovering the veils for you.
Called to acknowledge his mastery, and anchor the energies that will aid in the process of awakening and preparing the Terran population for disclosure. Only by anchoring these Forces and intending to make them reverberate on the Terran surface will it greatly aid humanity, and those not yet awake and resistant to the much-needed changes. As a member of the Ashtar Command, he is one of the representatives of this Force on the Terran surface, so it is called upon to maintain the energetic bases of this sustained Command: Justice, Ethics, Truth and Inviolability with regard to yielding to anything other than Law of the ONE [18], connected to the Galactic Codex [2]. Called to take his gaze to the war zones where there are nuclear weapons and threats of the type and neutralize any nuclear action or even intention. Your “hand” is very powerful and can nullify any nuclear act by just projecting itself into consciousness and visualizing the warheads being melted into huge golden energy.
Called to stay also connected to your ship in Delta Command and anchor the energies to reverberate on the Terran surface. These energies guarantee the rehabilitation of beings who have fallen into the depths (darkness), leading them always to deep reflections and encouragement, so that they can rise up and enter into a feeling of Oneness, making them aware that only Love elevates and transforms them in the TRUTH. Dear Ukeron, you are one of the representatives of this power in the Terran plane: POWER OF REHABILITATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF THOSE THAT HAVE LOST OF THEMSELVES.
Called to acknowledge all his Magic and responsibility in these times. To connect with his great command Mothership called Spaceship Alpha 12. Being also called to connect with the energy of Jesus (Sananda), and anchor all the Christ Love to envelop all those around him. And to take his gaze to the great courts of justice, to the conflicts in the Middle East and to radiate the Light of Diplomacy and Love, thus connecting all nations as one.
A message from your mentors:
“Your mentors are very happy with your Consecration (or Praise). It will open up your energy field even more and put you even more in touch with your Pleiadian Family. They, your mentors, say that you are also a Gate Activator and that you will start receiving telepathic locations where certain Pleiadian Portals need to be reactivated. They ask you to be aware of the signals and synchronicities that will be presented, in order to give continuity to the activation processes. They say that you can always count on them and also say that they have sent many signs long ago, but that now with this Consecration there will be greater openness and ease of assimilation. The forces of the Ashtar Command are also at your side since you are a member of this command and very respected there. They all applaud and thank you for the opportunity of this contact. They end up blessed.”
Dear Ukeron, your motto is:
It is as far as Jesus/Sananda allows me to see and transmit, dear Ukeron!
Channeled By Gabriel Raio Lunar
* Identify your Celestial Song (PT):
Sementes das Estrelas ®
Cosmobiografias Canalizadas
Copyright © 2019 by Ukeron. All rights reserved.
* To get in contact with Ukeron, please create an account at ( and send an email to
[1] Ashtar – “Quem é Ashtar? / Missão e Propósitos / 5 critérios para serem analisados nas mensagens” – 29.12.2014 (PT):
[2.1] O Códex Galáctico (PT):
[2.2] The Galactic Codex (EN):
[4.1] O Evento – Partes 1 a 5 (PT):
[4.2] The Event (EN):
[5.2] Solaris Modalis Commentary: Photographs Taken During Hawaii Missile Incident (EN):
[6.1] Matthew Ward – 29.07.2016 (PT):
[6.2] Matthew Ward – 29.07.2016 (EN):
[6.3] Ashtar Command Vrillon TV broadcast 1977 (EN):
[9.1] Angel Number 224 (EN):
[9.2] Angel Number 224 and its Meaning (EN):
[10.1] Capella Constellation (EN):
[10.2] The Cornucopia star: this week on The Night Sky (EN):
[10.3] Cornucopia (EN):
[10.4] A Brief History of the Planet Earth (EN):
[11] Vide mais sobre Nêutron aqui (PT):
[12.1] Tia Neiva (PT):
[12.2] Tia Neiva (EN):
[12.3] Vale do Amanhecer (EN):
[13] Equitumans (PT):
[14] Tumuchys (PT):
[15.1] Tibério César (PT):
[15.2] Tiberius Caesar (EN):
[16.1] Constantino I (PT):
[16.2] Constantine The Great (EN):
[18] The Law of One (EN):
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